My husband's aunt passed away over the weekend. We are making plans to go to the funeral. My sister said she would watch the kids while we go to the funeral. I typed out a list of meds, will show her how to do the nebs etc. But she mentioned her husband has a "bad cold". She said he's not coughing. She has a history and tendency to down play when her kids/she is sick for fear of us not coming to visit. Just feeling nervous about sending Maggie there if my sis is already admitting the cold is "bad". In any event my husband will go irregardless. I briefly spoke with my husband about it; he said we should play it by ear. He said the last thing his aunt would want is to put Maggie in harm's way and all the family understand we have a child with special needs.. But we should leave tomorrow so I need to decide tonight. GIve me your input! Thanks