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To put it out there, I know a lot about sick babies and children, but have no clue regarding fertility. I am trying to learn regarding ovulation and the hormones, but since I don't do this on a day to day basis, it doesn't stick in my mind.
So, I am asking for help regarding this.
I am 30 years old and have off&on irregular periods for most my life. Since I am now pursuing a pregnancy via IUI, I need to figure this out.
I am using a clear blue fertility monitor. My last cycle I did not have a peak fertility reading. This recent cycle is lasting 53 days, so my start of my period was 53 days ago with no future period on the horizon. I thought I had some back twinges last night, but I think I was imagining. I am having some cervical discharge so maybe it is coming after all. I really hope so!!!!!
So, my main concern is that on the monitor, there can be up to 5 days of high fertility reading and then 1-2 days of peak fertility reading. The monitor book says that the peak fertility reading is the time to focus IUI on. So if the meter reads this, would I do a "pee-on-a-stick" test also? Would I then go that day for IUI if ovulation is triggered around 24-36 hours after the surge in luteinizing hormone? I worry that the specimen won't be good to wait for that long and may diminish my success at getting pregnant.
Also, I am concerned regarding such a long cycle. Is this showing me that my hormones are not in tune?
I really wanted to try this month... I wanted a positive pregnancy test for a christmas gift (I know, I know, I am OVERLY optimistic hehe).
Thanks in advance for the help!
30 yo cf, peds ICU nurse practitioner, hoping to be pregnant one of these days!
To put it out there, I know a lot about sick babies and children, but have no clue regarding fertility. I am trying to learn regarding ovulation and the hormones, but since I don't do this on a day to day basis, it doesn't stick in my mind.
So, I am asking for help regarding this.
I am 30 years old and have off&on irregular periods for most my life. Since I am now pursuing a pregnancy via IUI, I need to figure this out.
I am using a clear blue fertility monitor. My last cycle I did not have a peak fertility reading. This recent cycle is lasting 53 days, so my start of my period was 53 days ago with no future period on the horizon. I thought I had some back twinges last night, but I think I was imagining. I am having some cervical discharge so maybe it is coming after all. I really hope so!!!!!
So, my main concern is that on the monitor, there can be up to 5 days of high fertility reading and then 1-2 days of peak fertility reading. The monitor book says that the peak fertility reading is the time to focus IUI on. So if the meter reads this, would I do a "pee-on-a-stick" test also? Would I then go that day for IUI if ovulation is triggered around 24-36 hours after the surge in luteinizing hormone? I worry that the specimen won't be good to wait for that long and may diminish my success at getting pregnant.
Also, I am concerned regarding such a long cycle. Is this showing me that my hormones are not in tune?
I really wanted to try this month... I wanted a positive pregnancy test for a christmas gift (I know, I know, I am OVERLY optimistic hehe).
Thanks in advance for the help!
30 yo cf, peds ICU nurse practitioner, hoping to be pregnant one of these days!