need help


New member
i based like my whole life off of one girls love and i found out she said she hates me. what should i do is lif still worth living? please give me some advice im 15.


New member
It may hurt to find out that someone doesn't love you anymore, or never did. I've been there. I know how rough it can be. That being said - you're 15. You've got a ton of years left to find that special person for you! You will get over it. Life is definitly worth living.


New member
If this is your first love that is usually always the hardest! When my 1st serious boyfriend broke up with me I thought it was the end of the world! But remember there is alot of other people in the world - some alot better!!! You're not alone in thinking that. Life will go on!! It does get easier. Feel free to talk when you need to!!:)

Mother of 9yr old w cf


New member
hey i know that its hard that someone has said that they hate you but you really cant let that upset you. you just have to get on with things and move on i know that it will be difficult but believe me it will be better in the long run and you will feel a lot more happier with people that actually care about you.

hope that has helped you