I'm only a few months younger than you, and have also had significantly more problems within the last 18 months. I'm experiencing all the same stuff you described. It's easy to feel defeated. I'm actually glad that you posted, saying you needed a pick-me-up, because it forced me to go back and re-read some things I wrote when I was in a more positive frame of mind.
Here are some thoughts that might help. They're from my blog, <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http:// <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://educatedguesser.blogspot.com">http://educatedguesser.blogspo...Pools of Grace</a>Even</a>Even[/L] if you're not a religious or spiritually-minded person, I think you'll see some value in them:
<b>It's Okay to be Weak</b>
<i>He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. --Isaiah 40:29
Because we live in a world where strength, and power are praised, many of us do our best to hide our insecurities and shortcomings. We often go to great lengths to exaggerate our strengths and downplay our weaknesses in order to make ourselves look better to others. In truth, the very people we try to impress may just as well be struggling with the same feelings of weakness and may be just as weary from trying to hide it.
There are times when my physical health isn't as strong as I would like it to be. During those times, my spiritual health can also wane. Although such times of weakness feel like they last for far too long, I know that each and every time that happens, God has given me a new point of view and a new way to trust in Him. I have learned that it is okay to be weak just so long as I remember that there is One who enables me to be strong.
The very fact that I cannot do certain things on my own only serves to emphasize that Christ is the One who works through me. If I never struggled with anything, I would never learn anything. If the path I walk as a Christian never tripped me up, I would never spend as much time on my knees in prayer as I do. Being strong has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with God.
I am the first to admit that I am a weak when it comes to certain areas of my life. I am also the first to admit that I have come this far by faith and it is that very faith that connects me to a source of strength and peace that is indescribable. Nothing this world has to offer even comes close to that kind of power.</i>
<b>No Complaints </b>
I can't think of anyone who doesn't know how to grumble or complain. We live in an imperfect world, so it is natural for us to be imperfect in how we behave in times of difficulty. We are far more likely to focus on the negative things, even when they are outnumbered by positive things and examples of God's goodness.
Sometimes life's circumstances truly are awful and undesirable through no fault of our own. Take my recent experience for example. The first draft of this writing was composed in a hospital room. As you may or may not know about me, I have cystic fibrosis and find myself regularly hospitalized because of it. In past hospitalizations I would allow myself to become overly emotional, crying through every known verse and chorus of "woe is me" and "this isn't fair" with a little bit of "life stinks" thrown in just to add some variety.
This time I'm choosing to see that even though this isn't fair, I still have plenty of blessings on which I can focus. My relationship with God is such example of something that is particularly positive in my life. He continually reminds me of his love and care by blessing me with frequent visits from my incredible husband, family, and friends. God's comfort and presence is felt when I think of how wonderful medical science is, and how God guides the healing hands of my doctors. I am uplifted as I consider the reality that God continues to provide for me at every turn.
As the saying goes, "hope springs eternal." My hope in Christ is what keeps me going even (and especially) when I'm struggling with my health. Life may not be fair, but so what. Why complain about that when I have so much for which to praise God. The work he does in my life is worthy of my praise at all times.</i>