need to talk to some1


New member
i need help with what to do im a teen in need of some advice with
taking my pills because i never want to take them but i know that i
need them


Hi, what's going on? No matter what your question may be there always seems to be someone on this site able to offer advice. But you need to let us know what you need. We are here for you.



New member
hey I am aslo 14 and need a lung transplant. Im a female. I will try to give you the best advice or If you would just like to vent or talk I will be happy to. Im not signed in but my user name is beautifulsoul.


New member
I went through a phase where I didn't want to take my pills and meds, and be like my friends without problems. Trust me, in the long run its better for you to do your treatments. I went a while were I didn't take pills, etc, and I only got sicker and couldn't hang out with my friends even more. Its extremely important that you take all your meds and treatments while you're younger, as this is the important part of growing up and staying healthy. You'll eventually get over not wanting to take them, but in the long run you will be healthier for it. THink about your health first, and not trying to be like all your friends. I bet if you asked your friends about whether you should stay healthy and take meds or not, they would tell you to take your meds!


New member

taking pills was always one of the easiest things for me to do...It doesn´t take much time, there is no bad taste, it doesn´t hurt.
Its like: -if you need glasses you should wear them, otherwise you might miss a lot to see...
-if you are going to the beach you should use sun protection, otherwise you will get a heavy, hurting sunburn

The other thing is, everybody is different and everybody has his own problems and has to find a way to deal with his life:
-one of your friends might need braces
-one wears glasses
-one can´t play football
-one lost his father or mother
-one might get cancer
-one has bad allergies
-one has rich parents and is not allowed to go out alone

You are what you are and a man has to do what a man has to do!

Good luck
