Need to vent


New member
ARG!!! I took Maggie took a routine CF check-up(it must be a full moon or something) Maggie is on antibiotics for a flare-up of MRSA, this antibitoic really upsets her tummy plus my son just got over a stomach virus, so I'm not sure if her stomach is upset from the anti or a stomach virus.

anyway, she was looking very pale on the car ride, like she was gonna puke. She is such a trooper she was trying so hard not to puke in the car, but eventually she did(all over a blanket phew that i had put on top of her). I threw the blanket away one I could pull over at a gas station. Then we had to pull over again cause she felt like she had to puke again near the side of the road. Two different poeple stopped to see if we were ok.

Finally, we got to the clinic, they were very nice, the doc saw her right away, usually we seem to wait longer. She again puked after having some ginger ale(she was very thirsty). He couldn't tell if it was the anti's or a virus but he's keeping her on the anti for 9 more days.

Finally we left she drank a buch of ginger ale and pretzels without puking and we drove home. Again she looked like she was going to puke so I pulled over to some random place and two men let us use the bathroom. MAggie did not throw up but her hat fell in the toilet!!! I thought I was going to go insane!

She fell asleep in the car, infact she's still sleeping. When we get home my cats puked all over my rug!!! It gets worse, my mom calls to find out how everyone is doing and seems annoyed i haven't called her lately. HELLLO> I was extremely sarcastic with her, by now my patience is shot and hung up on her. She just called back to apologize.

Anyway, I know it could be worse, hopefully maggie's stomach feels better, I'm dreading her next dose of antibiotic. Just needed to vent cause this sucks!

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)


Ugggh!!  Sounds like you had a heck of a day!!  Poor
Maggie, I hope she feels better -- I hate throwing up!!  And
its no fun to clean it either!!  Here's to a better day


Digital opinion leader
My son Josh puked every time he gets his antibiotic too. The doctor gave him Zofran (anti-nausea) for before each dose. It works great! I'd call him right away and suggest it- I'm surprised he didn't.

End to puking!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Poor kid, poor mom.


New member
What a lousy sounds like a CFer's version of the "Aristocrats" joke. Maybe you should get an agent.

but seriously, I hope the puking has ended. Not sure if probiotics are useful when there's antibiotic-induced puke, but they sure help my 3 year-old son with gastric distress when he's on antibiotics. I also live with 2 cats both of whom schedule their hairballs so they'll be waiting for my barefeet when I need to go searching in the middle of the night during a storm-induced power outage for a flashlight to change the sheets after my son woke up from thunder and wet the, eh?


New member
Today i can laugh about yesterday. I was truly a sight to see.

Maggie has not thrown up again, thank goodness. her stomach is still uneasy but we're laying low today. She's drinking and eating crackers, pretzels(our staple) She had noodles with butter for lunch. I'm holding off on milk today. I also give her acidophilus 2 times a day when she's this antibiotic. I think she has a stomach virus because she's been on this antibiotic before and did not get nauseous.

My husband said I seemed frazzled yesterday. HMMM that's an understatement.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
Thats terrible you porr thing, poor maggie too. If it makes you smile, I LAUGHED so hard at the thought of her hat falling down the toilet! Yes I am immature and find these things funny! Sorry! lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">