Need to vent


New member
Alright - so I just got off the phone with my CF nurse, and am close to tears. For the past month now I've been sick with a nasty chest infection - coughing up brown plugs, wheezing, coughing up blood on occasion, my lungs feeling like they are full with mucus, and feeling very rundown. I've been to my specialist twice now, and have been put on a series of antibiotics. First it was 2 weeks of Cipro and Cloxycyllan, followed by an additional week of both meds, followed by two weeks of Tobra. The meds seemed to help somewhat, but I cannot get rid of this lingering cough I have, and breathlessness, along with the run down kind of feeling.

My last two cultures showed Aspergillus, so I decided to look it up, and found that I have some symptoms of a reaction to this mold that I cultured a few weeks ago. I called my nurse and informed her of my concerns about wanting to be tested to see if I'm having a reaction to the Aspergillus, and she informed me that she'd talk to my doc and get back to me. Well, she called back, and informed me that my doc is not worried in the slightest. That my symptoms would be way worse if I had the reaction that I'm concerned about. My doc also told me that maybe the symptoms I am having are all in my head - just because of the simple fact that I informed him during my last checkup that I've been suffering from mild anxiety for the past 9 years, and would like to see someone about getting it under control. He informed me that my symptoms must be anxiety. I told him that I've been dealing with the anxiety for 9 years now, and I DO KNOW when I am having a mild attack. I hate the fact that I am sick, and worried about this cough that won't go away, and he informs me, that suddenly because he knows that I suffer from anxiety that the anxiety is the cause. Its like he's pushing my symptoms off on something else, so that he doesn't have to worry about it.

2 years ago I had a severe hemoptysis episode that required an embolization. 2 years ago my productive cough started. Today, my CF nurse informed me that I've been cultured Aspergillus for the past 2 years. I told her, well maybe this is something of a coralation. She says no, my doc knows my body better then I.

I'm near tears now, because they are passing my worries off, and are looking at me like 'oh, maybe its her anxiety, because she just told us that she suffers from it.'. If I hadn't told them about my anxiety, I'm sure they would be looking into this problem with more concern. I wish that I were back in the days of Childrens, where the doc took everyone of my concerns seriously. Back at childrens I did pft's every visit, and did a culture every visit. Here in Adults, I'm lucky if I do cultures twice a year, and pft's 1 time a year. I'm not a hypocondriact. I've been very healthy all my life, so why would I start thinking that there's something wrong with me, if there isn't? I just hate the fact that they are downplaying my concerns!!


New member
Alright - so I just got off the phone with my CF nurse, and am close to tears. For the past month now I've been sick with a nasty chest infection - coughing up brown plugs, wheezing, coughing up blood on occasion, my lungs feeling like they are full with mucus, and feeling very rundown. I've been to my specialist twice now, and have been put on a series of antibiotics. First it was 2 weeks of Cipro and Cloxycyllan, followed by an additional week of both meds, followed by two weeks of Tobra. The meds seemed to help somewhat, but I cannot get rid of this lingering cough I have, and breathlessness, along with the run down kind of feeling.

My last two cultures showed Aspergillus, so I decided to look it up, and found that I have some symptoms of a reaction to this mold that I cultured a few weeks ago. I called my nurse and informed her of my concerns about wanting to be tested to see if I'm having a reaction to the Aspergillus, and she informed me that she'd talk to my doc and get back to me. Well, she called back, and informed me that my doc is not worried in the slightest. That my symptoms would be way worse if I had the reaction that I'm concerned about. My doc also told me that maybe the symptoms I am having are all in my head - just because of the simple fact that I informed him during my last checkup that I've been suffering from mild anxiety for the past 9 years, and would like to see someone about getting it under control. He informed me that my symptoms must be anxiety. I told him that I've been dealing with the anxiety for 9 years now, and I DO KNOW when I am having a mild attack. I hate the fact that I am sick, and worried about this cough that won't go away, and he informs me, that suddenly because he knows that I suffer from anxiety that the anxiety is the cause. Its like he's pushing my symptoms off on something else, so that he doesn't have to worry about it.

2 years ago I had a severe hemoptysis episode that required an embolization. 2 years ago my productive cough started. Today, my CF nurse informed me that I've been cultured Aspergillus for the past 2 years. I told her, well maybe this is something of a coralation. She says no, my doc knows my body better then I.

I'm near tears now, because they are passing my worries off, and are looking at me like 'oh, maybe its her anxiety, because she just told us that she suffers from it.'. If I hadn't told them about my anxiety, I'm sure they would be looking into this problem with more concern. I wish that I were back in the days of Childrens, where the doc took everyone of my concerns seriously. Back at childrens I did pft's every visit, and did a culture every visit. Here in Adults, I'm lucky if I do cultures twice a year, and pft's 1 time a year. I'm not a hypocondriact. I've been very healthy all my life, so why would I start thinking that there's something wrong with me, if there isn't? I just hate the fact that they are downplaying my concerns!!


New member
Liz, I'm pretty sure the CF Foundation says that every CF patient should be getting cultured and pft's every 3 months. I know Canada might not go by the same book of rules that the USA uses but I'd think you'd be able to demand this. Would your insurance cover them?


New member
Liz, I'm pretty sure the CF Foundation says that every CF patient should be getting cultured and pft's every 3 months. I know Canada might not go by the same book of rules that the USA uses but I'd think you'd be able to demand this. Would your insurance cover them?


New member
Canada is the same - and all of my treatments and procedures are covered by the gov't. I don't have to pay for pfts or cultures. My doc just doesn't see cultures as a necessity unless I am sick with a productive cough, and the adult pft dept is just lazy at my hospital. These are the reasons why I don't like the adult department at my clinic. A lot of the adult patients at my clinic are complaining about the care they get - but my clinich is the only CF adult clinic in my province.


New member
Canada is the same - and all of my treatments and procedures are covered by the gov't. I don't have to pay for pfts or cultures. My doc just doesn't see cultures as a necessity unless I am sick with a productive cough, and the adult pft dept is just lazy at my hospital. These are the reasons why I don't like the adult department at my clinic. A lot of the adult patients at my clinic are complaining about the care they get - but my clinich is the only CF adult clinic in my province.


New member
Yeah, I'm concerned about the only getting PFTs 1x year and cultures 2x year. Do you have an option of a) seeing another doctor or b) demanding whatever test would determine the aspergillus allergy?


New member
Yeah, I'm concerned about the only getting PFTs 1x year and cultures 2x year. Do you have an option of a) seeing another doctor or b) demanding whatever test would determine the aspergillus allergy?



I'm sorry that you are going through this. I think your doctor should always take your concerns seriously and act on them. If you weren't suffering from anxiety before this you must be now! That's one thing I really like about my daughter's CF doctor at the U of M. He always tells her no one knows her body as well as she does and she is the only one that can tell him how things are going.

I think if I was you I would demand to be seen by my doctor and explain how you feel to him and that you don't appreciate not being taken seriously. Is this something that you would be able to do? How long have you been seeing this doctor?

Hang in there and keep us posted. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">




I'm sorry that you are going through this. I think your doctor should always take your concerns seriously and act on them. If you weren't suffering from anxiety before this you must be now! That's one thing I really like about my daughter's CF doctor at the U of M. He always tells her no one knows her body as well as she does and she is the only one that can tell him how things are going.

I think if I was you I would demand to be seen by my doctor and explain how you feel to him and that you don't appreciate not being taken seriously. Is this something that you would be able to do? How long have you been seeing this doctor?

Hang in there and keep us posted. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
One of the things that drives me nuts about our local clinic is I can never ever get thru to speak with the doctor personally -- always thru the nurse who tells me the doctor says this. Maybe you could call the clinic back and just tell the nurse that you are very upset and would like to speak with the doctor personally for clarification. Liza


New member
One of the things that drives me nuts about our local clinic is I can never ever get thru to speak with the doctor personally -- always thru the nurse who tells me the doctor says this. Maybe you could call the clinic back and just tell the nurse that you are very upset and would like to speak with the doctor personally for clarification. Liza


New member
I don't have an option of seeing another doctor. My doc is the only adult CF specialist in my province. I have been dealing with him for about 7 years now. When I had my severe hemoptysis episode, it took him 2 months to finally have me get a bronch and embolization done. Up until the bronch, he swore that I was just breaking vessels from coughing - but I informed him that I don't cough unless sick, and I wasn't sick at the time.

I suppose I could go see my family doctor, but he doesn't specialise in respiratory problems, so I'd be worried that he wouldn't be able to test for Aspergillus. Even if this isn't aspergillus, it bothers me that this time around my doc is not taking my concerns seriously. Back before I was diagnosed with CFRD, my docs (different docs then this one) thought my cronic weight lose was due to the fact that they thought I had anorexia, so they wouldn't test me for diabetes until a year had passed. I'm almost certain that if they had tested me sooner, I may have been able to control it with diet or pills. I'd hate to see this problem turn into something worse, because my doc thinks he knows better then I. At the very least, you would think he'd test me just for peace of mind on my part.


New member
I don't have an option of seeing another doctor. My doc is the only adult CF specialist in my province. I have been dealing with him for about 7 years now. When I had my severe hemoptysis episode, it took him 2 months to finally have me get a bronch and embolization done. Up until the bronch, he swore that I was just breaking vessels from coughing - but I informed him that I don't cough unless sick, and I wasn't sick at the time.

I suppose I could go see my family doctor, but he doesn't specialise in respiratory problems, so I'd be worried that he wouldn't be able to test for Aspergillus. Even if this isn't aspergillus, it bothers me that this time around my doc is not taking my concerns seriously. Back before I was diagnosed with CFRD, my docs (different docs then this one) thought my cronic weight lose was due to the fact that they thought I had anorexia, so they wouldn't test me for diabetes until a year had passed. I'm almost certain that if they had tested me sooner, I may have been able to control it with diet or pills. I'd hate to see this problem turn into something worse, because my doc thinks he knows better then I. At the very least, you would think he'd test me just for peace of mind on my part.


New member
If you can't get thru to your CF doctor. Maybe go see your regular doctor and see if they can order the cultures you need.


New member
If you can't get thru to your CF doctor. Maybe go see your regular doctor and see if they can order the cultures you need.


New member
Liz have you seriously tried nebbing the water soluble oil of oregano? I wasn't in your exact situation, but I was also badly screwed and things weren't helping anymore. I can't recall if you are nebbing it or not. If not, please look into it. It might really help you out like it did me.


New member
Liz have you seriously tried nebbing the water soluble oil of oregano? I wasn't in your exact situation, but I was also badly screwed and things weren't helping anymore. I can't recall if you are nebbing it or not. If not, please look into it. It might really help you out like it did me.