Neg sweat test/Pos CF?


New member
I have a question. The waiting for the genetic results is driving me crazy.
I have a 2 year old son who is adopted. We have no information of the parents history. He has had a SEVERE sinus problem/infection since birth. The Drs ruled everything out. They can't find out what is causing it. He has had a sweat test and the results were negative.
He gets put on antiboitics for weeks at a time. The congestion clears up while he is on the meds. Then soon after he is off his antibiotic, it starts all over again. He also drools, A LOT!
His chest X-Rays are always clear. He has no problem with his bowles.
SOOOO Can any one tell me if a severe sinus problem at 2 yr old with a neg sweat test could possibly be CF?
Thank You,


New member
I'm not going to comment on symptoms, because I'm hardly the person to do it. However, I want to comment on the sweat test results. There are MANY many CFers whose sweat test results were negative 1, 2, 3, 4, or even more times before the doctors finally figured out they had CF. Very often the test is done wrong, or the results are read incorrectly (there are a number of other things that could go wrong as well), and a person positive for CF gets negative results. Your best bet for getting a correctly done sweat test is to make sure to have it done at a CF center. Doctors that don't specialize in CF, no matter how smart or educated they are, simply don't know how to deal with CFers. You can find a list of CF centers here:
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New member
Some mutations can also lead to a negative sweat test result when the person does in fact have CF. If your son is still displaying symptoms after being sweat tested at an accredited CF center, you may want to look into genetic testing for him. I think that's the only way to really rule out CF.

Best wishes, and I hope he is doing better soon.

-- Jenica


New member
The wait for the genetic test results is agonizing. Yes it is possible to be positive for CF with negative sweat test results. My son is a prime example of that. Not all CFers have bowel issues. The only way to know for sure is the genetic test. His biological parenta may not have a shown history of CF since most carriers are symptomless. It was a shock to our family, but now with the proper treatments and meds are son is a 'normal' 2 year old. I wish you the best and hope the results come back soon. Our results took 3 weeks to get I think through Ambry.


New member
My ds is very similiar. He has had severe sinus problems dating back to age 6 months. He also has asthma (dating back to the same point). He really doesn't have bowel problems either but is very small for his age. He grew well for the first several months but once he started getting sick, he quickly fell from the top of the chart to the bottom which is where he is now (7 years). He had his first sinus surgery shortly after turning age 4 (after over a year of trying to clear it.) Within weeks, his sinuses were bad again. He also had a very low negative sweat test at a hospital that has an accredited satelite cf clinic that was trained by the children's hospital that the cf clinic is based in. At the request of our ENT, we did genetic testing through genzyme (he treats many cf patients and said ds's sinuses looked like a cfer's to him.) His genzyme panel came up completely negative - no genes found. It finds approx 90% of the mutations. We could follow up with an Ambry panel but at this point, ALL specialists have said they do not think ds has cf (pulmonologist, allergist, 2 seperate ENTs.) All this just basically to say that I totally agree with everything everyone else says. For your own piece of mind, request the Ambry genetics screen. However, it is very possible to have extremely severe sinus problems and not have cf. Has your ds had an in depth study of his immune system? ITs basically a series of blood tests that take several months. Has he been allergy tested? Our ds originally tested neg for everything (allergies, immune problems, etc.) We later found out his prevnar vaccine did not take so ds was vaccinated with the pneumovax and retested - it took. He also originally tested neg for all allergies but at age 5 was found to have many allergies and is now on allergy shots. Does your ds have a lot of ear infections?? The last test that has been recommended to us is a biopsy of his cilia to check for primary cilia dyskinesia (sp?) It's also a genetic disease that requires the person to inherit a gene from each parents. The effects are very similiar to cf but the disease is very different. Children with PCD have lots of ear, sinus, and can have lung problems. Basically, the cilia does not work correctly to sweep out debris from the sinuses, lungs, etc so it stagnates and becomes infected. Treatment is very similiar although prognosis is generally a little better. THis is the last test our ds needs. Our allergist pushed for it but the ENT has to do it under general anesthesia. He prefers to wait until ds's next sinus surgery. We (with 2 ENT opinions) have decided to wait until ds's symptoms can no longer be managed to do the surgery since the last surgery did not last for very long. Finally, how are they treating your ds? To help manage symptoms, ours is on a nasal steroid spray (nasonex) daily, daily nasal washes, zyrtec for the allergies (although antihistamines should be used sparingly since they can actually CAUSE the sinus infection). He's also on singulair and advair for the asthma plus frequent oral antibiotics and/or oral steroids. I hope that helps. Good luck in your quest for answers. Be prepared that you may find none. All of our specialists have said they think ds probably just has really bad sinuses and we'll probably never find an answer WHY. Not exactly the answer we wanted but an answer of sorts I guess. Good luck!


New member
Oh My God!!! The story you told is a carbon copy of my son's. Yes he has a Pulmonologist, 2 ENTs, 1 allergist, 1 Immunologist, 1 Genitic Dr.( I will ask him if he did the Ambry test) (sorry for thr spelling) and his regular Pedi. I have heard of the biopsy of the cilia. The Immunologist mentioned it. He has yet to have any sinus surgery, but he has had his adnoids out. I'm not sure that I am going to allow him to have any surgery, yet.
He is also so very tiny. He is below the 5% for his age. He can't eat when he is congested. He gags.
He is on a 8 week course of Omnicef, singulair, nasonex. He has been on prednisone, Zithromax, Ceftin, and so on. He clears up on the medication but as soon as it stops, It comes back.
Today he had his second CAT scan. This time he was put under anesthesia. It was the kind of CAT scan to "Map" him for surgery if I opt for it. I have the funny feeling that I too will get NO answer as to why this is happening.
We'll see.


New member
I can't believe all the incredible stories that I am reading! My husb and I both lost many cousins to CF and now drs are considering testing our daught. All the symptoms that everyone has mentioned: RSV-like symptoms with neg test, mult neub treatments consistantly, mult antibiotics, pneumonia, mult steroids, singulair, gagging on phlem and not eating for periods at a time, no wt gain, etc. My daughter is almost 13 months old and hasn't gained wt since month 10...she's only 22 pounds. There might not be anything wrong with her, but these bouts of illness are really taking a toll on the family. Thank goodness we have in-home care during the day for her, or I don't know what I would do. If anyone would like to tell my how their 12mnth old CFer acted, please email me your stories. I would love to compare them. thanks so much! - Angi -


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I can't believe all the incredible stories that I am reading! My husb and I both lost many cousins to CF and now drs are considering testing our daught. All the symptoms that everyone has mentioned: RSV-like symptoms with neg test, mult neub treatments consistantly, mult antibiotics, pneumonia, mult steroids, singulair, gagging on phlem and not eating for periods at a time, no wt gain, etc. My daughter is almost 13 months old and hasn't gained wt since month 10...she's only 22 pounds. There might not be anything wrong with her, but these bouts of illness are really taking a toll on the family. Thank goodness we have in-home care during the day for her, or I don't know what I would do, since I work. If anyone would like to tell my how their 12mnth old CFer acted, please email me your stories. I would love to compare them. thanks so much! - Angi -<hr></blockquote>