New CF member


New member
Hey everyone!
I just started searching the net for cf sites because ive never really talked to anyone with CF befor other than myself (Iam not crazy....everyone talks to themselves..sometimes lol). I was diagnosed at 3weeks old and have been a very active person up until gr.8 because i found out a whole bunch of more stomach, lung problems and i had low iron. I;m on a road to getting super active again and am a music freak! I play the piano, the guitar, the bass, the drums and used to sing (vocal cords are wrecked because of the meds they put me on in gr.8 when i was admitted in the hospital). Oh yeah and im 16 yrs old and want to pursue a music career once im old enough.
So yeah, thats me in a nutshell and i hope to meet some of u nice people Here!



New member
Welcome Kristi

I hope You like it here, there are some nice folks here.

We have something in common, I have been beating the drums since
I was 8 , I am a wee bit older now, lol.....

I hope You enjoy the site.....

Welcome again


New member
Hi my name is hanna I am prety new to this sight to. I have never met or talked to anyone w/ cf either. well heres my chance lol.I also love music.You play a lot of interesting instromants.i can tell you have a lot of talent.

hanna, 11 year old girl w/ cf/Or(state)