New G-tube


New member
So my g-tube has been having problems leaking and most of the time we were able to fix it by putting a new valve thingy on but then one day the tube ripped so we cut it off and now it is kinda short. We asked the doc about what we should do because there is not enough tube to cut it agian if it breaks again and they said that it is time to get a new one. This really freaks me out cuz it wasn't fun to get in the first palce and I can't imagine how they get the thing out. Anyway I would love to know it anyone has ever gotten their g-tube replaced and what it was like. Mine is a bard kind (it might also be called a genie)


New member
So my g-tube has been having problems leaking and most of the time we were able to fix it by putting a new valve thingy on but then one day the tube ripped so we cut it off and now it is kinda short. We asked the doc about what we should do because there is not enough tube to cut it agian if it breaks again and they said that it is time to get a new one. This really freaks me out cuz it wasn't fun to get in the first palce and I can't imagine how they get the thing out. Anyway I would love to know it anyone has ever gotten their g-tube replaced and what it was like. Mine is a bard kind (it might also be called a genie)


New member
So my g-tube has been having problems leaking and most of the time we were able to fix it by putting a new valve thingy on but then one day the tube ripped so we cut it off and now it is kinda short. We asked the doc about what we should do because there is not enough tube to cut it agian if it breaks again and they said that it is time to get a new one. This really freaks me out cuz it wasn't fun to get in the first palce and I can't imagine how they get the thing out. Anyway I would love to know it anyone has ever gotten their g-tube replaced and what it was like. Mine is a bard kind (it might also be called a genie)


New member
So my g-tube has been having problems leaking and most of the time we were able to fix it by putting a new valve thingy on but then one day the tube ripped so we cut it off and now it is kinda short. We asked the doc about what we should do because there is not enough tube to cut it agian if it breaks again and they said that it is time to get a new one. This really freaks me out cuz it wasn't fun to get in the first palce and I can't imagine how they get the thing out. Anyway I would love to know it anyone has ever gotten their g-tube replaced and what it was like. Mine is a bard kind (it might also be called a genie)


New member
So my g-tube has been having problems leaking and most of the time we were able to fix it by putting a new valve thingy on but then one day the tube ripped so we cut it off and now it is kinda short. We asked the doc about what we should do because there is not enough tube to cut it agian if it breaks again and they said that it is time to get a new one. This really freaks me out cuz it wasn't fun to get in the first palce and I can't imagine how they get the thing out. Anyway I would love to know it anyone has ever gotten their g-tube replaced and what it was like. Mine is a bard kind (it might also be called a genie)


New member
Just wanted to update this. I got my new tube put in last week. To take out the tube they just pull on it until it comes out. It only took like two seconds. Then they just slid the new one in. This time I have a mic-key. This kind has a ball with water on the inside so when It is time for a new one we just deflate the ball and it comes out easily. To get my tube out I was completely awake, they just did it right in the doctors office. It hurt a little but a lot less then I thought it would. It feels exactly how it seems it would feel. It feels like pulling something through a whole that is too small for it. It did help to put ice on it first.


New member
Just wanted to update this. I got my new tube put in last week. To take out the tube they just pull on it until it comes out. It only took like two seconds. Then they just slid the new one in. This time I have a mic-key. This kind has a ball with water on the inside so when It is time for a new one we just deflate the ball and it comes out easily. To get my tube out I was completely awake, they just did it right in the doctors office. It hurt a little but a lot less then I thought it would. It feels exactly how it seems it would feel. It feels like pulling something through a whole that is too small for it. It did help to put ice on it first.


New member
Just wanted to update this. I got my new tube put in last week. To take out the tube they just pull on it until it comes out. It only took like two seconds. Then they just slid the new one in. This time I have a mic-key. This kind has a ball with water on the inside so when It is time for a new one we just deflate the ball and it comes out easily. To get my tube out I was completely awake, they just did it right in the doctors office. It hurt a little but a lot less then I thought it would. It feels exactly how it seems it would feel. It feels like pulling something through a whole that is too small for it. It did help to put ice on it first.


New member
Just wanted to update this. I got my new tube put in last week. To take out the tube they just pull on it until it comes out. It only took like two seconds. Then they just slid the new one in. This time I have a mic-key. This kind has a ball with water on the inside so when It is time for a new one we just deflate the ball and it comes out easily. To get my tube out I was completely awake, they just did it right in the doctors office. It hurt a little but a lot less then I thought it would. It feels exactly how it seems it would feel. It feels like pulling something through a whole that is too small for it. It did help to put ice on it first.


New member
Just wanted to update this. I got my new tube put in last week. To take out the tube they just pull on it until it comes out. It only took like two seconds. Then they just slid the new one in. This time I have a mic-key. This kind has a ball with water on the inside so when It is time for a new one we just deflate the ball and it comes out easily. To get my tube out I was completely awake, they just did it right in the doctors office. It hurt a little but a lot less then I thought it would. It feels exactly how it seems it would feel. It feels like pulling something through a whole that is too small for it. It did help to put ice on it first.


New member

I just had my check up today after getting mine placed last thursday.
My doctor said when it was time to take it out, or change to a button or something more low profile that he would give some drugs to make me out of it, not completely sedated like when I got it, but just loopy enough b/c he said it was painful...

Youre a beast <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I just had my check up today after getting mine placed last thursday.
My doctor said when it was time to take it out, or change to a button or something more low profile that he would give some drugs to make me out of it, not completely sedated like when I got it, but just loopy enough b/c he said it was painful...

Youre a beast <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I just had my check up today after getting mine placed last thursday.
My doctor said when it was time to take it out, or change to a button or something more low profile that he would give some drugs to make me out of it, not completely sedated like when I got it, but just loopy enough b/c he said it was painful...

Youre a beast <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I just had my check up today after getting mine placed last thursday.
My doctor said when it was time to take it out, or change to a button or something more low profile that he would give some drugs to make me out of it, not completely sedated like when I got it, but just loopy enough b/c he said it was painful...

Youre a beast <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<br />
<br />I just had my check up today after getting mine placed last thursday.
<br />My doctor said when it was time to take it out, or change to a button or something more low profile that he would give some drugs to make me out of it, not completely sedated like when I got it, but just loopy enough b/c he said it was painful...
<br />
<br />Youre a beast <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">