New Here!


New member
Hello! I just found this forum as I am trying to learn about CF. ( I posted on the "Teens & Young People" board and realized it was the wrong place)....Three weeks ago my 5 year old son was diagnosed with a prolapsed rectum. His doctor is having him tested for cf, celiac disease and parasites. We are waiting to have a sweat test scheduled and are currently doing blood and stool sample tests. His only symptom at this time is the prolapse..(no respiratory issues)..

I know I am at the very beginning baby stage of learning about this but would like to be as educated as I can. I thought perhaps one of you may relate to my situation.

I look forward to any replies that may come my way!




New member
hi, and welcome. Have a good look around the family section, there are some good questions on just now that will help you. There are many people here with so many stories that all will relate to you, I certainly have.


New member
One of my sons had rectal prolapse when he was about 4. It kept occuring when he would go potty on the toilet. Finally, they did a little suture on the inside to keep it in place. He has never had it happen again, he is now 10. He does not have CF. Rectal Prolapse can happen when they sit on the toilet too long or strain too much.


New member
I have a husband with CF so I can't relate specifically to your situation but I just wanted to welcome you to the website and say Hi.

many people with CF experience an array of different symptoms. My husband for example has minor lung issues, but pretty heavy digestive issues. He also has male reproductive issues. Some others on this site have NO lung issues but digestive issues, or no lung and no digestive but male reproductive issues. CF can be a very trickey and complex disease.

My hope for you is that your sons problem is much less complicated than CF, but until you get an answer from the sweat test (and hopefully you are planning a genetic test too because the sweat test is not alwasy accurate?????) we are here to answer any and all questions you have. Help prepare you in case those test results do come back positive.

aside from the rectal prolapse, does your son have any problems gaining weight or is he on the lower end of the average weight for his age/height? That is something else that some with CF struggle with.

Again, welcome to the site and I hope you get some testing and answers very quickly!


New member
Hello and welcome !!

I ditto everything Julie just said.............

If you would like to know more about my kids click on the link at the bottom by my signature and read the first entry of my blog -- we have no experience with a prolapsed rectum but you might find the other info helpful, especially if your child's sweat test comes back in the high normal (30's) or borderline (40-59) area.