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New member

I just found this forum as I am trying to learn about CF. Three weeks ago, my 5 year old son was diagnosed with a prolapsed rectum. His doctor is having him tested for cf, celiac disease and parasites. We are waiting to have a sweat test scheduled and are currently doing blood and stool sample tests. His only symptom at this time is the prolapse...(no respiratory issues)....

I know I am in the very beginning baby stage of learning about this but would like to be as educated as I can. I thought perhaps one of you may relate to my situation.

I look forward to any replies that may come my way!




Digital opinion leader
Welcome, you've come to a great place for information! You could also try (the CF Foundation site) They have lots of useful info too.

You may get more replies in the Family section, why don't you try posting another one over there? There are lots of families with young children who are waiting a disgnosis or have just received one. Sounds like you've been through a lot with your son. I hope you get some answers soon!


New member
My daughter was diagnosed after having a rectal prolapse. As you may have read already, it is rare in the US for people to have them. And Cystic Fibrosis is definately one of a few things that it could be. I insisted when they said she should be tested that it was a parasite. I already knew a lot about CF, because my nephew has it. He was almost 8 when my daughter suffered her prolapse. So they agreed to do a stool sample test for parasites. But of course, the sweat test came back positive, as well as the DNA test. She, too, had no respiratory symptoms. She was only 14 months old at the time. She did have a lot of the digestive symptoms, and still does. She is 8 years old now, and just started having more respiratory symptoms.

We have another daughter (I was pregnant with her when my first one was diagnosed) and she also has CF. She has never had a rectal prolapse. She is 6 1/2 years old. And she still does not show any respiratory symptoms.

Good luck and let us know the results.