My daughter is now 2years and (touch wood) all is well with her, but I still feel helpless. She is going through all this and I can't take this disease away from her, so I decided to throw myself in to something that could help...fundraising. I have made a calendar for 2009 with some friends posing as famous Hollywood film stars, we have Rocky Balboa, Marilyn Monroe, Blues Brothers, Tomb Raider(me!!) and many more. I'm doing this for a small Scottish Charity called The Butterfly Trust who provide essential support services to families affected by CF. They have support workers who all volunteer their time and so the money raised will help them to continue their training to maintain these services. If you fancy checking this calendar out, have a look at their web site You can buy them from there as well and as you all know, its a worth while cause. At least I can give something back with this!