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My name is Sheila. I am new to this cf thing.I have to take 2 enzymes every meal!I am hoping to find a friend my age ( i'm 8 )


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Welcome to the site Sheila. My name is Melissa and I am 38 years old and have CF. I also have an 8 year old daughter who does not have CF. I hope you find lots of friends here!


New member
hi sheila, im gabrielle and im 13 w/ cf, i'd luv to talk to u if u want i will private message u my email if u would like, my blog is cfgirl1992. welcome to the site is is a great place, im pretty new her myself too.


Hi Sheila. My daughter is 8 years old and has CF. I also have an almost 7 year old who also has CF. I have not introduced this site to my daughter yet, maybe I should soon so she can chat with others her age<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Tammy,

I'm Sheila's dad and I just introduced her to this site. I did so because she was just dxed about two months ago and I don't want her to feel so alone with CF.

Her health has been very good. No hospital visits and PTF"s at 109. Just enzymes and a vest twice a day. Anyway, it would be great if you do decide to allow your girls to write Sheila. I do keep an eye on what she reads and only allow her to open the topics addressed specifically to her.

Thanks for your response,

Sheila's Dad


Super Moderator
Hi Sheila, (and Bruce)!

My daughter is almost 9 and was diagnosed about a year ago. I haven't introduced her to this site yet, but maybe it would be about time! (Atleast for chatting with a CF friend!)

We will make sure to address the post to Sheila should Sarah decide she wants to do this....we may even send you a private message if you have that feature turned on.

We do have a family picture posted in my blog if you would like to show Sheila a picture of Sarah.


Good morning Sheila and Dad Bruce! Dad, this is a great thing you did for your daughter. I will get Kayla up and going after vacation next week<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I think she will enjoy it.

Her PFT's are at 98%. She takes enzymes and Pulmozyme and does her vest as well. My younger daughter's PFT's are at 94% and takes ezymes as does the vest. Both girls have done very well<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Kayla has had a few hospitalizations between ages 1-3 because of rectal prolapses, and then just had her first one this past May due to a lung infection. Her PFT's had dropped to 62% from 98% in 6 weeks. But after two weeks of IV's she is back up to base line and doing great!!

Kayla will be very excited to chat with you Sheila, and others on this thread her age. Be looking for her in a week or so<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Take Care and enjoy the summer!