new topic


New member
Why don't we have a topic here called,
'medical/drug trials' or something like that?

There is adults, families, pregnancy, newly diagnosed, nutrition, in the hospital, ect.

Isnt there enough discussion about new trials to have its own topic heading?
It would awesome if there was.

I know there is a lot of security in regards to the new trials but I am sure there is enough discussion that can contribute to a new topic!

Anyone agree?


New member
Why don't we have a topic here called,
'medical/drug trials' or something like that?

There is adults, families, pregnancy, newly diagnosed, nutrition, in the hospital, ect.

Isnt there enough discussion about new trials to have its own topic heading?
It would awesome if there was.

I know there is a lot of security in regards to the new trials but I am sure there is enough discussion that can contribute to a new topic!

Anyone agree?


New member
Why don't we have a topic here called,
'medical/drug trials' or something like that?

There is adults, families, pregnancy, newly diagnosed, nutrition, in the hospital, ect.

Isnt there enough discussion about new trials to have its own topic heading?
It would awesome if there was.

I know there is a lot of security in regards to the new trials but I am sure there is enough discussion that can contribute to a new topic!

Anyone agree?


New member
Why don't we have a topic here called,
'medical/drug trials' or something like that?

There is adults, families, pregnancy, newly diagnosed, nutrition, in the hospital, ect.

Isnt there enough discussion about new trials to have its own topic heading?
It would awesome if there was.

I know there is a lot of security in regards to the new trials but I am sure there is enough discussion that can contribute to a new topic!

Anyone agree?


New member
Why don't we have a topic here called,
<br />'medical/drug trials' or something like that?
<br />
<br />There is adults, families, pregnancy, newly diagnosed, nutrition, in the hospital, ect.
<br />
<br />Isnt there enough discussion about new trials to have its own topic heading?
<br />It would awesome if there was.
<br />
<br />I know there is a lot of security in regards to the new trials but I am sure there is enough discussion that can contribute to a new topic!
<br />
<br />Anyone agree?


New member
We need a lot of feedback on this. We get heat for adding topics & heat for taking them away.

May I suggest doing a poll in your thread if you truly feel its a benefit & then Administration can work on it from there!


New member
We need a lot of feedback on this. We get heat for adding topics & heat for taking them away.

May I suggest doing a poll in your thread if you truly feel its a benefit & then Administration can work on it from there!


New member
We need a lot of feedback on this. We get heat for adding topics & heat for taking them away.

May I suggest doing a poll in your thread if you truly feel its a benefit & then Administration can work on it from there!


New member
We need a lot of feedback on this. We get heat for adding topics & heat for taking them away.

May I suggest doing a poll in your thread if you truly feel its a benefit & then Administration can work on it from there!


New member
We need a lot of feedback on this. We get heat for adding topics & heat for taking them away.
<br />
<br />May I suggest doing a poll in your thread if you truly feel its a benefit & then Administration can work on it from there!


New member
I'm just glad we can talk about the trials.

a few years ago i tried to discuss the trial i am on now, denufosol, and not only did the thread get deleted but i was banned.


New member
I'm just glad we can talk about the trials.

a few years ago i tried to discuss the trial i am on now, denufosol, and not only did the thread get deleted but i was banned.


New member
I'm just glad we can talk about the trials.

a few years ago i tried to discuss the trial i am on now, denufosol, and not only did the thread get deleted but i was banned.


New member
I'm just glad we can talk about the trials.

a few years ago i tried to discuss the trial i am on now, denufosol, and not only did the thread get deleted but i was banned.


New member
I'm just glad we can talk about the trials.
<br />
<br />a few years ago i tried to discuss the trial i am on now, denufosol, and not only did the thread get deleted but i was banned.


New member
I'm open to a new topic for Trials! As involved as we are now (meaning my family) in finding, and participating in them, it would be great to be able to search for (ex.)Hypertonic Saline, and pull up personal experiences!!!!!!!! It would be a huge factor in deciding if one is right for my daughter!


New member
I'm open to a new topic for Trials! As involved as we are now (meaning my family) in finding, and participating in them, it would be great to be able to search for (ex.)Hypertonic Saline, and pull up personal experiences!!!!!!!! It would be a huge factor in deciding if one is right for my daughter!


New member
I'm open to a new topic for Trials! As involved as we are now (meaning my family) in finding, and participating in them, it would be great to be able to search for (ex.)Hypertonic Saline, and pull up personal experiences!!!!!!!! It would be a huge factor in deciding if one is right for my daughter!


New member
I'm open to a new topic for Trials! As involved as we are now (meaning my family) in finding, and participating in them, it would be great to be able to search for (ex.)Hypertonic Saline, and pull up personal experiences!!!!!!!! It would be a huge factor in deciding if one is right for my daughter!


New member
I'm open to a new topic for Trials! As involved as we are now (meaning my family) in finding, and participating in them, it would be great to be able to search for (ex.)Hypertonic Saline, and pull up personal experiences!!!!!!!! It would be a huge factor in deciding if one is right for my daughter!