Night Owls

Is it just me or do any of you guys find that you are staying up more at night time then during the day. I usally stay up all night depending on where i am at. If you stay up real late at night could you reply to this.


New member
um yea i stay up durning the night and then i sleep durning the day it is weired up but i do not no i am turning 13 and i do have cf i hope to rEply back THANKS,HOLLY <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
~hmm~ well, it really depends <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ...I am very much a night owl though, always the last one in bed....


New member
I am always up alll night.... the earliest I ever fall alsepp at home is 2 am and in the the hospital I am usually not asleep until at least 4 am. Its very starnge but on my dads side they have trouble sleeping so I dunno.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
weird you guys, i never sleep, always takes soooo long like around 2am too, it's so annoying and i have to get up for school at 7 and i'm shattered! I wonder would it be anything to do with the medicines we're on or something, cos i would love to solve it cos it's such a pain!! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I am 23 yrs old and I normally dont get to bed til around 2 or 3 am sometimes later and take small naps during the day


New member
I also am naturally a night person. In the summer, when I don't have any schedule really, I fall asleep usually around 1 am and sleep until 12 noon. During school though, I sleep on a more normal schedule, but I am definitely a night owl.

I had a nurse once say every CF patient she ever had in the hospital was a night owl. I wonder if its genetic, or like princessgiggles said, a product of our medication.


New member
I am far from a night owl. In the hospital I tend to stay up later because of last meds etc, but still I am asleep by 11 or so. At home I am in bed by 9:30 & asleep no later than 10. I guess my main reason is that I have to get up, get ready & take my daughter to school. If I am not getting my sleep I get quite grouchy in the am. Even on the weekends I tend to go to bed early. There are days that are the exception, but as a rule this is how I am.


New member
"I had a nurse once say every CF patient she ever had in the hospital was a night owl. I wonder if its genetic,"

Yeah i think it's a CF of my nurses has said that too~ So yeah I'm really up all night at least until 2 the latest it like 5am or so?sometimes I just stay up all night. But yeah fun stuff~ <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I go to sleep about 9:30pm at home on school nights. About 11pm on weekends. But at the Hospital I mostly stay up really late like 3am. One time a nurse came in at 11pm and told me to shut the computer off and go to bed ( I didn't). I was like saying (in my head) your not momma and I dont have a bed time. HEHE

Tiffany 15 w/cf


New member
yeah, i am a night owl but im trying so hard to get me sleep at night. I usually get to sleep around midnight but thats really early considering we just ended summer.

Matt 16 w/ cf