night sweats


New member
Hello- does anyone here with CF ever get really bad night sweats?? My boyfriend gets them every night.. We asked his dr about it and he didnt have an answer for us.. is this CF related?


New member
I've never asked a doc about how much we sweat, but in threads on this forum, I've found that most of us answer that we do sweat a lot. I sweat at night, my hands are constantly slimey, etc.


New member
I get really bad night sweats...sometimes its so bad i wake up drenched and have to change my sheets. I've told my doctor and he doesnt seem to say much about it either


New member
Keeping in mind that CF affects everyone differently; consistent every night soak the sheets sweating is a sign that my lung infection is getting out of hand and it is time for IV's. Your boyfriend is probably getting fairly high night fevers that are causing the sweating.....Unless he's sleeping under too many blankets...;^)


New member
I don't have night sweats all the time; when I do have them they tend to indicate brewing infections. Often for me they are accompianed by moaning in my sleep.


New member
my doctors have always asked about night sweats, because they often do mean an infection. I had a micobacteria infection when i was much younger, and experienced terrible night sweats all the time from it. since then i have not had them (even when i am sick), but the doctors still ask. they generally mean fevers...i.e., you are getting a fever at night, and when the fever breaks, you sweat a lot.



New member

I did judt read in the german cf-forum, that bad sleep and night sweats can be a sign, that you need oxygen, because the lungs don´t get enough. Might be worse a try.
The other thing I thought about ist diabetes, because when the blood sugar goes down, you normally start sweating.

Uli,43,Germany, cf/cfrd
My son would sweat really bad at night. We found out that do to his pancreatic insufficiency he was severly hypoglycemic, and it was worse at night, because he was sleeping through the night and not waking up to feed. He is on continous feed 22 hours a day (he has a g-tube), and he doesn't have that problem anymore.