nissen fundoplication


New member
My daughter has absolutely horrible reflux, even on the highest dose she can take of zantac, prilosec, and erythromycin (switched from reglan). After a 5 week hospital stay (due to aspiration pneumonia) they considered doing it when they put in the g-tube at 3 months old, but decided she was still too young. They don't like to do them that young, so said they would re-evaluate around 6 months. That time is fast approaching and it is still awful, I'm pretty sure she will be getting it, but we will discuss it at our clinic appt next month. I worry about the damage that all that acid is doing.

I know quite a bit about the procedure but of course, am still worried. I know it can cause some trouble with not being able to burp/vomit after, and my baby is bvery gassy, and currently vomits and spits up a lot (although it is due top the reflux...)

Did any of you have any trouble from it, or wish you hadn't done it? Did you have great results? Do they still have reflux, are they still on reflux meds? Do they eat better now that their tummies aren't so bothered by the reflux? Was it done laproscopic? How long were you in the hospital afterwards? How long until they could eat afterwards?

I know everyone is different, just trying to get some first hand experience and ease my mind a bit. I'm off to search the forum right now. Thanks everyone, I don't know what I would do without you guys<img src="">


New member
My daughter has absolutely horrible reflux, even on the highest dose she can take of zantac, prilosec, and erythromycin (switched from reglan). After a 5 week hospital stay (due to aspiration pneumonia) they considered doing it when they put in the g-tube at 3 months old, but decided she was still too young. They don't like to do them that young, so said they would re-evaluate around 6 months. That time is fast approaching and it is still awful, I'm pretty sure she will be getting it, but we will discuss it at our clinic appt next month. I worry about the damage that all that acid is doing.

I know quite a bit about the procedure but of course, am still worried. I know it can cause some trouble with not being able to burp/vomit after, and my baby is bvery gassy, and currently vomits and spits up a lot (although it is due top the reflux...)

Did any of you have any trouble from it, or wish you hadn't done it? Did you have great results? Do they still have reflux, are they still on reflux meds? Do they eat better now that their tummies aren't so bothered by the reflux? Was it done laproscopic? How long were you in the hospital afterwards? How long until they could eat afterwards?

I know everyone is different, just trying to get some first hand experience and ease my mind a bit. I'm off to search the forum right now. Thanks everyone, I don't know what I would do without you guys<img src="">


New member
My daughter has absolutely horrible reflux, even on the highest dose she can take of zantac, prilosec, and erythromycin (switched from reglan). After a 5 week hospital stay (due to aspiration pneumonia) they considered doing it when they put in the g-tube at 3 months old, but decided she was still too young. They don't like to do them that young, so said they would re-evaluate around 6 months. That time is fast approaching and it is still awful, I'm pretty sure she will be getting it, but we will discuss it at our clinic appt next month. I worry about the damage that all that acid is doing.

I know quite a bit about the procedure but of course, am still worried. I know it can cause some trouble with not being able to burp/vomit after, and my baby is bvery gassy, and currently vomits and spits up a lot (although it is due top the reflux...)

Did any of you have any trouble from it, or wish you hadn't done it? Did you have great results? Do they still have reflux, are they still on reflux meds? Do they eat better now that their tummies aren't so bothered by the reflux? Was it done laproscopic? How long were you in the hospital afterwards? How long until they could eat afterwards?

I know everyone is different, just trying to get some first hand experience and ease my mind a bit. I'm off to search the forum right now. Thanks everyone, I don't know what I would do without you guys<img src="">


New member
My daughter has absolutely horrible reflux, even on the highest dose she can take of zantac, prilosec, and erythromycin (switched from reglan). After a 5 week hospital stay (due to aspiration pneumonia) they considered doing it when they put in the g-tube at 3 months old, but decided she was still too young. They don't like to do them that young, so said they would re-evaluate around 6 months. That time is fast approaching and it is still awful, I'm pretty sure she will be getting it, but we will discuss it at our clinic appt next month. I worry about the damage that all that acid is doing.

I know quite a bit about the procedure but of course, am still worried. I know it can cause some trouble with not being able to burp/vomit after, and my baby is bvery gassy, and currently vomits and spits up a lot (although it is due top the reflux...)

Did any of you have any trouble from it, or wish you hadn't done it? Did you have great results? Do they still have reflux, are they still on reflux meds? Do they eat better now that their tummies aren't so bothered by the reflux? Was it done laproscopic? How long were you in the hospital afterwards? How long until they could eat afterwards?

I know everyone is different, just trying to get some first hand experience and ease my mind a bit. I'm off to search the forum right now. Thanks everyone, I don't know what I would do without you guys<img src="">


New member
My daughter has absolutely horrible reflux, even on the highest dose she can take of zantac, prilosec, and erythromycin (switched from reglan). After a 5 week hospital stay (due to aspiration pneumonia) they considered doing it when they put in the g-tube at 3 months old, but decided she was still too young. They don't like to do them that young, so said they would re-evaluate around 6 months. That time is fast approaching and it is still awful, I'm pretty sure she will be getting it, but we will discuss it at our clinic appt next month. I worry about the damage that all that acid is doing.
<br />
<br />I know quite a bit about the procedure but of course, am still worried. I know it can cause some trouble with not being able to burp/vomit after, and my baby is bvery gassy, and currently vomits and spits up a lot (although it is due top the reflux...)
<br />
<br />Did any of you have any trouble from it, or wish you hadn't done it? Did you have great results? Do they still have reflux, are they still on reflux meds? Do they eat better now that their tummies aren't so bothered by the reflux? Was it done laproscopic? How long were you in the hospital afterwards? How long until they could eat afterwards?
<br />
<br />I know everyone is different, just trying to get some first hand experience and ease my mind a bit. I'm off to search the forum right now. Thanks everyone, I don't know what I would do without you guys<img src="">


Amber, I know there is a small handful here that have had the nissen fundo. There is a whole website called where they have a board just for kids awaiting or post this procedure. Maybe someone there could better answer your questions.


Amber, I know there is a small handful here that have had the nissen fundo. There is a whole website called where they have a board just for kids awaiting or post this procedure. Maybe someone there could better answer your questions.


Amber, I know there is a small handful here that have had the nissen fundo. There is a whole website called where they have a board just for kids awaiting or post this procedure. Maybe someone there could better answer your questions.


Amber, I know there is a small handful here that have had the nissen fundo. There is a whole website called where they have a board just for kids awaiting or post this procedure. Maybe someone there could better answer your questions.


Amber, I know there is a small handful here that have had the nissen fundo. There is a whole website called where they have a board just for kids awaiting or post this procedure. Maybe someone there could better answer your questions.


Hi Amber. Sophia got a fundo two years ago when she was five. I was sooo nervous about the procedure. I read way too much on-line and got scared. It helped talking to a family friend whose son had it done with no problems. It seems that those with problems tend to post on-line asking for help, but all those who are doing well don't need to post on line if that makes sense. Honestly, it was like she got a tooth pulled. One day of discomfort in the hospital. Then we were home two days later and she wanted to jump on the trampoline that afternoon. She has had zero side effects from day one. She ate normal when she got home from the hospital. It is like she never got it. She is able to throw up. We have had two x-rays to see if it is still intact and it is. Sophia had horrible reflux as an infant. But we later found out it was a milk allergy. We thought reflux had ended when we took her off milk. But her GI wanted to test for reflux before she got her g-tube. Turns out she had really bad reflux as a five year old we just didn't know it. The only symptoms was she would wake up at night coughing. She really doesn't wake up coughing anymore. Her cat scan last year showed lot of lung damage called bronchialectasis. I really think she was aspirating in her sleep for 5 years. She has never liked to eat, so I didn't see an improvement with eating when she got the fundo. She also got the g-tube button the same day as her fundo. It was done laproscopically. Sharon


Hi Amber. Sophia got a fundo two years ago when she was five. I was sooo nervous about the procedure. I read way too much on-line and got scared. It helped talking to a family friend whose son had it done with no problems. It seems that those with problems tend to post on-line asking for help, but all those who are doing well don't need to post on line if that makes sense. Honestly, it was like she got a tooth pulled. One day of discomfort in the hospital. Then we were home two days later and she wanted to jump on the trampoline that afternoon. She has had zero side effects from day one. She ate normal when she got home from the hospital. It is like she never got it. She is able to throw up. We have had two x-rays to see if it is still intact and it is. Sophia had horrible reflux as an infant. But we later found out it was a milk allergy. We thought reflux had ended when we took her off milk. But her GI wanted to test for reflux before she got her g-tube. Turns out she had really bad reflux as a five year old we just didn't know it. The only symptoms was she would wake up at night coughing. She really doesn't wake up coughing anymore. Her cat scan last year showed lot of lung damage called bronchialectasis. I really think she was aspirating in her sleep for 5 years. She has never liked to eat, so I didn't see an improvement with eating when she got the fundo. She also got the g-tube button the same day as her fundo. It was done laproscopically. Sharon


Hi Amber. Sophia got a fundo two years ago when she was five. I was sooo nervous about the procedure. I read way too much on-line and got scared. It helped talking to a family friend whose son had it done with no problems. It seems that those with problems tend to post on-line asking for help, but all those who are doing well don't need to post on line if that makes sense. Honestly, it was like she got a tooth pulled. One day of discomfort in the hospital. Then we were home two days later and she wanted to jump on the trampoline that afternoon. She has had zero side effects from day one. She ate normal when she got home from the hospital. It is like she never got it. She is able to throw up. We have had two x-rays to see if it is still intact and it is. Sophia had horrible reflux as an infant. But we later found out it was a milk allergy. We thought reflux had ended when we took her off milk. But her GI wanted to test for reflux before she got her g-tube. Turns out she had really bad reflux as a five year old we just didn't know it. The only symptoms was she would wake up at night coughing. She really doesn't wake up coughing anymore. Her cat scan last year showed lot of lung damage called bronchialectasis. I really think she was aspirating in her sleep for 5 years. She has never liked to eat, so I didn't see an improvement with eating when she got the fundo. She also got the g-tube button the same day as her fundo. It was done laproscopically. Sharon


Hi Amber. Sophia got a fundo two years ago when she was five. I was sooo nervous about the procedure. I read way too much on-line and got scared. It helped talking to a family friend whose son had it done with no problems. It seems that those with problems tend to post on-line asking for help, but all those who are doing well don't need to post on line if that makes sense. Honestly, it was like she got a tooth pulled. One day of discomfort in the hospital. Then we were home two days later and she wanted to jump on the trampoline that afternoon. She has had zero side effects from day one. She ate normal when she got home from the hospital. It is like she never got it. She is able to throw up. We have had two x-rays to see if it is still intact and it is. Sophia had horrible reflux as an infant. But we later found out it was a milk allergy. We thought reflux had ended when we took her off milk. But her GI wanted to test for reflux before she got her g-tube. Turns out she had really bad reflux as a five year old we just didn't know it. The only symptoms was she would wake up at night coughing. She really doesn't wake up coughing anymore. Her cat scan last year showed lot of lung damage called bronchialectasis. I really think she was aspirating in her sleep for 5 years. She has never liked to eat, so I didn't see an improvement with eating when she got the fundo. She also got the g-tube button the same day as her fundo. It was done laproscopically. Sharon


Hi Amber. Sophia got a fundo two years ago when she was five. I was sooo nervous about the procedure. I read way too much on-line and got scared. It helped talking to a family friend whose son had it done with no problems. It seems that those with problems tend to post on-line asking for help, but all those who are doing well don't need to post on line if that makes sense. Honestly, it was like she got a tooth pulled. One day of discomfort in the hospital. Then we were home two days later and she wanted to jump on the trampoline that afternoon. She has had zero side effects from day one. She ate normal when she got home from the hospital. It is like she never got it. She is able to throw up. We have had two x-rays to see if it is still intact and it is. Sophia had horrible reflux as an infant. But we later found out it was a milk allergy. We thought reflux had ended when we took her off milk. But her GI wanted to test for reflux before she got her g-tube. Turns out she had really bad reflux as a five year old we just didn't know it. The only symptoms was she would wake up at night coughing. She really doesn't wake up coughing anymore. Her cat scan last year showed lot of lung damage called bronchialectasis. I really think she was aspirating in her sleep for 5 years. She has never liked to eat, so I didn't see an improvement with eating when she got the fundo. She also got the g-tube button the same day as her fundo. It was done laproscopically. Sharon