no more "anons"


New member
i think it is time to make it compulsary for people to login when they post. NO MORE ANONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!they could still "lurk" until they decide to register. some anons are very brave in their anonymity and do definetely set out to cause trouble. i'm not saying all do , just some. what do others think. ps. am having trouble with computer <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">, i am normally logged on as janjoe. janet uk<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
no more "anons

This has been discussed many times before. I truly believe now more than ever, we need to abolish the anon post. I know some people don't want to register but let's face it, we've got a lot of registered users posting as anon to stir the pot. Not to mention, there are very few forums that allow anon posting. You can still have a log-in and keep your personal/health info private.


New member
no more "anons

I agree that there should be no more anon postings. That will solve our problems on this site. If I forget to sign on, I always sign my name but I should not be lazy and sign on more often. I think your idea is super and will improve this site.
Take care


New member
no more

I disagree, and I've said so before. I understand why abolishing the anons is a good idea. A lot of them cause drama and hide like little babies when they do. The problem is that anonymous posting is great for people who truly come here looking for help and look to remain anonymous. This is a small forum we have here, and everyone knows each other, so if I want to ask an embarassing question anonymously, I want the right to. If a collegiate student wants to ask for interviews for her next project without logging in to never come back after the project is due, then she should be able to. If a desperate brother or sister wants to post about their siblings ailments without letting their sibling know they are doing so, anonmyously is the way to go.

Like many things in life, it sucks that people abuse the power given to them, but that does not mean that we take it away from those who need it. Thousands of Americans don't vote (or vote stupidly...haha...jk) every year, does that mean we take the right to vote away from everybody?

I agree with you, though. People who abuse anonymous posting suck, and if there is another way to deal with it, then I would love to consider it.


New member
no more "anons

I disagree. Several of us don't sign on during the day because we're using work or school computers. I think the problems occur when people sign on anon to stir up trouble -- regular members. And Bill has indicated that a simple report of an offending post can be taken care of. I'd hate to see people not participating because they're unable to sign on during the day. Also, before I joined, I lurked for awhile to get a feel for the place. Then when I DID sign up, it took me a couple of weeks to figure out how to set up my account so I could actually post as a member.

Liza aka ratatosk who is at work right now and big brother might be watching <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
no more "anons

And oftentimes, I think it's the same person posting one message after another in the same topic to make it LOOK as if there is controversy, make it look as if more than one person share the same opinion. Again. If there's a problem, report the post. Liza again aka ratatosk working big brother watching.. sigh. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
no more "anons

I really don't understand the argument, "many of us don't sign on durin the day because we're using work or school computers". Can someone explain to me what that has to do with anything?

Whether or not you log on, your activities online can be/probably are still monitored.

Sometime last year the moderators did a few days where anons weren't allowed, just to kind of "test it out" I guess you could say. Maybe they could do it for a week or something this time. I too agree that it's not ALL anons who cause trouble, but when enough ruin it for the lot of you.... it might be time to change how things are done.

Also, I don't understand the problem with signing up for a user name. You don't have to use your real first and last name, you can hide your email address or hide your profile alltogether if you wish to do so. It's not like you have to give out your SSN and DOB to get a user name.

I think anons posting should be done away with. Everyone should have to log in. Maybe the mods could give it a try????


New member
no more "anons

I honestly think that you should be able to lurk and read all you want as anon, but if you want to post you should have to log on. My two cents....


New member
no more "anons

If people want to post anon they could possible write to a specific anon section that goes to the moderator and then the moderator can post it. There needs to be more control on these forums. I would not tolerate Anon postings on my website.


New member
no more "anons

This is the only site I know of that allows anonys to post.

I also feel anonys should be able to look and read, but not post.



New member
no more "anons

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>imondeck</b></i>

I honestly think that you should be able to lurk and read all you want as anon, but if you want to post you should have to log on. My two cents....</end quote></div>

I agree with Sandra's statement. Read anon but posting would require a login.


New member
no more "anons

Alternatively, offer a single forum section where anon posting IS allowed. (Maybe a new topic specific section)


New member
no more "anons

I agree, that's a good idea that sandra and others have mentioned. Many other websites look like that too. It's good to be able to read and get a feel for what the site is all about, but then posting should require a log in.

I guess we'll see if it happens.


New member
no more "anons

Most, if not all, support group sites require logins to avoid controversy and avoid "spam" and such. I think it is a great idea. It is too easy to offend under the cover of anon. JMO though. I'm surprised a site this huge with this many members does not control the anon postings.

I also agree that being allowed to lurk and not post unless registered is a great idea. You can gain a lot of insight just lurking if you want to remain anon. Of course, you can't post questions, but as someone suggested, an "anon only" link would be GREAT!


New member
no more "anons

Anonymites are hardly to blame for most of the trouble around here. Almost all of the pot-stirring and restirring is done by logged-in users. So fake names clearly don't stop incivility.

Maybe what you really want is a board more closely regulated for content.


New member
no more "anons

How do you regulate anon posters??? I do agree a well-regulated board is necessary, and with logins, the posters can be watched and "talked to" or "banned" if necessary. Without names, the same anon can continue to post and "make trouble" and never be banned or communicated with since he/she remains anonymous with NO way to track them down. I don't think we want someone patrolling the boards just deleting things by either anons OR registered users, so it is easier (for moderators) to approach the person specifically if their content is offensive. If you are anon, there is no way to approach you with private messages regarding content. Doesn't make sense to me. A more regulated board WOULD mean people registering.


New member
no more "anons

Possible solution: Many forums allow anon posting BUT only by users who are already registered. This allows people who have registered and who regularly post under their username to post as anon if they feel that they do not wish to be identified. EG. if they want to ask a personal question but are aware that family members/ friends also browse the site.

This also allow the moderators access to info on what user has posted as anon so that they can be tracked ONLY IF they post offernsive material or stirr up trouble.

I personally don't really think this is necessary. Why do we insist on getting angry when the people who cause trouble don't have the guts to sign in? The anger only effects the person who feels it. The poster just goes on with their day as normal.



New member
no more "anons

On another board I post to, only signed in folks can post. There are no anons.
There is a special person named "Incognito" that is created by the moderator. If you want to make an anonymous post (for privacy reasons or something), you pm the moderator who then sends you a return pm with the password of Incognito so that you can post as Incognito. The Incognitor password that you are given is good for only 24 hours (and the password can only be changed by the moderator) and only one person can be Incognito at a time.
So the moderator always knows who is posting - even if someone is posting as Incognito.