Renee Vasquez
New member
I don't understand other people's brains sometimes. Which i know is common, cause if I knew how everyone thought I'd really know everything, and thats impossible. I have a good grasp on it, at least I feel like I do. Why people think what they do, I can at the very least empathize with their view even if I do not agree. I'm bad when it comes to peoples view of themselves though. I know i don't see myself the way others see me, and I know they wouldn't see themselves the way I see them, and you would even see them differently then I would. But the people with no self worth....
Start again.
Why live a life where you don't even like you? I know people always say, "The world doesn't revolve around you" and to think other people's lives revolve around you would be a mistake. BUT YOUR LIFE, your individual life, that YOU are directly a part of and have an effect over EVERYTHING that happens....that world, DOES revolve around you. So why would you use so much precious time hating yourself? Hating an action, hating a thing you said, hating a thing you did. . . okay we all have those, I get that. But why continue to hate yourself as a person over a mistake, or a flaw in your character. Why not acknowledge it, accept or change it. . . and move on still loving yourself and understanding your imperfect and you will in fact make mistakes. How is life any easier when your constantly glaring at yourself in the mirror resenting yourself? Or even worse you don't like yourself so EVERYTHING anyone comments on about you is the WORSE, and you dissect it, and cry, and torture yourself over what this person MUST think of you because of a comment they made in your direction. Why?
I for one love myself. I know me and I'm a fan. Am I annoying? For sure, at times. Am I an bitch? Oh certainly, at times. Do I say the wrong things? ALL THE TIME. Do I make mistakes? On the daily and I don't even know half of them...Do I hate these actions/decisions/situations? Well I don't LOVE them, and I certainly don't even like them. Do they devalue me as a person? Hell no. Does your opinion of me mean more than my opinion of me? Absolutely not.
In order for your opinion of me to mean more than my opinion of me, I'd have to think of myself pretty low. Not to say anything bad about you, but have you been around me the past 28 years to know all my goods and bads and all the things ive survived or fought? No? Do I. Well yeah, for most of it I was there, black out moments of young drinking excluded.
P) So in order for your opinion of me to mean more than my opinion of me, I'd have to assume you had some greater insight into me than I do. That you are SO SMART that you can look at me, talk to me, and BOOM nail the person I am and have the right to tell me the person you believe I am with my accepting all of it, because obviously I am dumb and you are a genius and so your opinion of me is WAY more important then mine. . . . . some people actually think it is that way. That BLOWS my mind.
I, by my own account, I'm a pretty cool person. I like the shit out of me and if I could have a friend like me I'd enjoy her company. BUT I do NOT look at myself as I am the coolest person to ever live and I'm SOOOOOO beautiful and SOOOO smart, and just have all my shit together and rock life in every and any way possible. I'm perfectly happy with being imperfect and have a tendency to burst people's bubble when they choose to see me this way. "Oh you think i'm super cool you say? I live such a charmed life you say? Here are 10 reasons i'm not awesome." And I like to quickly as I can pull myself off peoples pedestals and place myself next to them. . . not above.
I've had people tell me, oh I didnt think YOU'D be friends with ME!!! Like they won some sort of lotto and have been accepted into my hall of friendship, total club count. . . like 5. The main reason I don't like this is because ANYTHING I say is NOT taken like a grain of salt, its taken like the judge of the supreme court saying YOU ARE NOT WORTHY! I don't want that. I want and enjoy making EVERYONE acknowledge and take a really good look at all THEIR great qualities, but if you do need improvements I also will say so, not in a vain way, not in a I know you better than you know you way, in a way of "Maybe you should be more aware of what your saying because this could come off as offensive or is something people don't really like thinking about" for example if your hanging out, having a good time, and having fun casual conversation and the persons addition to the fun lighthearted convo is "Hey remember that time your husband was cheating on you with that prostitute? " . . . . .and ackwardness. . . . I'm not going to be like HEY YOUR STUPID, DONT SAY SHIT LIKE THAT. But later when its just us, because I'd want the same courtesy, I'll say . . . you know maybe you should take into account the things people don't like to be reminded of in happy situations... and for people to have such self esteem that a comment like that becomes people hate me and don't want to hang out with me. . . *cry in corner*. . . It sucks when people say things you don't like/ or want to hear, I understand that. When people say things to me i don't like/ don't want to hear, in the moment it may sting, but i reflect on what they said, see if its something thats just part of who i am or is it something that i can work on? And act accordingly. I am not a horrible person, who no one likes, because the comments of one individual and no person should be.
Breaks my heart when people can't find the reasons to love themselves when there are so many reasons to. REASON ENOUGH, because loving you makes ALL OF LIFE easier.
End of rant. . .
Point to be made. . . LOVE yourself, no one can determine YOUR value but YOU.
Start again.
Why live a life where you don't even like you? I know people always say, "The world doesn't revolve around you" and to think other people's lives revolve around you would be a mistake. BUT YOUR LIFE, your individual life, that YOU are directly a part of and have an effect over EVERYTHING that happens....that world, DOES revolve around you. So why would you use so much precious time hating yourself? Hating an action, hating a thing you said, hating a thing you did. . . okay we all have those, I get that. But why continue to hate yourself as a person over a mistake, or a flaw in your character. Why not acknowledge it, accept or change it. . . and move on still loving yourself and understanding your imperfect and you will in fact make mistakes. How is life any easier when your constantly glaring at yourself in the mirror resenting yourself? Or even worse you don't like yourself so EVERYTHING anyone comments on about you is the WORSE, and you dissect it, and cry, and torture yourself over what this person MUST think of you because of a comment they made in your direction. Why?
I for one love myself. I know me and I'm a fan. Am I annoying? For sure, at times. Am I an bitch? Oh certainly, at times. Do I say the wrong things? ALL THE TIME. Do I make mistakes? On the daily and I don't even know half of them...Do I hate these actions/decisions/situations? Well I don't LOVE them, and I certainly don't even like them. Do they devalue me as a person? Hell no. Does your opinion of me mean more than my opinion of me? Absolutely not.
In order for your opinion of me to mean more than my opinion of me, I'd have to think of myself pretty low. Not to say anything bad about you, but have you been around me the past 28 years to know all my goods and bads and all the things ive survived or fought? No? Do I. Well yeah, for most of it I was there, black out moments of young drinking excluded.
I, by my own account, I'm a pretty cool person. I like the shit out of me and if I could have a friend like me I'd enjoy her company. BUT I do NOT look at myself as I am the coolest person to ever live and I'm SOOOOOO beautiful and SOOOO smart, and just have all my shit together and rock life in every and any way possible. I'm perfectly happy with being imperfect and have a tendency to burst people's bubble when they choose to see me this way. "Oh you think i'm super cool you say? I live such a charmed life you say? Here are 10 reasons i'm not awesome." And I like to quickly as I can pull myself off peoples pedestals and place myself next to them. . . not above.
I've had people tell me, oh I didnt think YOU'D be friends with ME!!! Like they won some sort of lotto and have been accepted into my hall of friendship, total club count. . . like 5. The main reason I don't like this is because ANYTHING I say is NOT taken like a grain of salt, its taken like the judge of the supreme court saying YOU ARE NOT WORTHY! I don't want that. I want and enjoy making EVERYONE acknowledge and take a really good look at all THEIR great qualities, but if you do need improvements I also will say so, not in a vain way, not in a I know you better than you know you way, in a way of "Maybe you should be more aware of what your saying because this could come off as offensive or is something people don't really like thinking about" for example if your hanging out, having a good time, and having fun casual conversation and the persons addition to the fun lighthearted convo is "Hey remember that time your husband was cheating on you with that prostitute? " . . . . .and ackwardness. . . . I'm not going to be like HEY YOUR STUPID, DONT SAY SHIT LIKE THAT. But later when its just us, because I'd want the same courtesy, I'll say . . . you know maybe you should take into account the things people don't like to be reminded of in happy situations... and for people to have such self esteem that a comment like that becomes people hate me and don't want to hang out with me. . . *cry in corner*. . . It sucks when people say things you don't like/ or want to hear, I understand that. When people say things to me i don't like/ don't want to hear, in the moment it may sting, but i reflect on what they said, see if its something thats just part of who i am or is it something that i can work on? And act accordingly. I am not a horrible person, who no one likes, because the comments of one individual and no person should be.
Breaks my heart when people can't find the reasons to love themselves when there are so many reasons to. REASON ENOUGH, because loving you makes ALL OF LIFE easier.
End of rant. . .
Point to be made. . . LOVE yourself, no one can determine YOUR value but YOU.