

New member
NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!




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RE:NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!

Go away, this site is NOT for advertisements. Your sales are NOT welcome here.


RE:NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!


I was wondering how old are your chilldren, what type of "aerosols" were they taking and what strain of pseudomonas did they have?



RE: NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!

Actually I'm more personally inclined to go with Julie on this, who has in fact been a member longer than you have and is well respected here.

When you come off sounding like a walking advertisement for a drug it tends to upset people here since we do have soliciters on this site occasionally. I urge you, if you have a recommendation do not say 'some help here' DO NOT ADVERTISE A PRODUCT. If you've had [or somebody else has had] good results with a drug/drugs then please say I have a recommendation from a friend this is her story, here is some VALID information to back it up, here's the name of the drug do your own research, but if you are interested in it please feel free to ask me what I know. Do not say hey my friend experienced this, please email me and I will point you in the right direction. It sounds like you are trying to sell something. Which we've had before. We've had way too many people peddling 'miracle cures' to believe a lot of this.


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RE:NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!




New member
RE:NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!

i thought she was talking about a cleaning product not a drug. actually it seems like i have heard this one before. its a medical equipment cleaner? i dunno ill see if i can find info on it on the net.


New member
RE:NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!

ok here is a link to what i found.

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Sol-U-Gaurd</a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">another says the same thing</a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">"research" publication</a>
dont know how reputible this one is

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">hazardous ratings</a>

I couldnt find a consumer report though. That would be very helpful. But what i read is that its a herbal all natural type cleaning product. Which just might be cool, since alot of kitchen and bathroom cleaning products have that harsh smell...this isnt supposed to.

I was wrong though its not a medical supply cleaner but i guess it could be used as such since its not harsh.

Sounds interesting though. If i could find it ina store i would try it out just to see.

hope this helps, draw your own conclusions. for me i just really dont know till i use it. as for getting rid of psuedo in myself because i used the product in my home, i just dont think it will work that way for me. maybe the lady's son just had a good combination of meds and good clean home. *shrug*

at least we know its not someone selling stuff



New member
RE:NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!

The product is called Sol-U-Guard and is sold through Melaleuca... which depending on where you look is either a multi-level-marketing scam, or the best thing ever. I didn't look enough to give an opinion.

Personally, I'm inclined to call scam in this case, since this poster's original story rings false.

-Weekly boiling? Holy crap! We boil the neb cups after every treatment. For someone so concerned with bacteria, that's <b>mighty</b> dirty.

-Cleaning neb equipment isn't going to kill the bacteria already colonizing the lungs.

-What other treatments was the boy on?


New member
RE:NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!

abdb711, Your website in your profile, oh wait, I just checked and now it is gone-clever little manipulator, but anyways, that gives it away, you are here for advertisement purposes. However helpful you might think it is, if someone with a CF child, family member, lover... thinks this product is worthwhile, don't underestimate the fact that someone here will mention it to us. We all benefit from eachothers knowledge but we don't like being disrespected and taken advantage of. And by the way, I have a name and it's Julie, not, "the other person", so utilize it.

Additionally you little comment, "<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>And I thnk the Julie is the one that actually jumped the gun here........... Done wasting my time here..................................... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me now rephrase my earlier post... NO HELP HERE, DONT ASK! <hr></blockquote> is quite rude! Someone who was REALLY here to help wouldn't get so discouraged and leave so quickly, they would just present the information a bit differently and certainly would NEVER disrespect all of us. GET OVER YOURSELF!

<b>EVERYONE ELSE- when I posted to this person this AM at 9:44am, the person had a business website linked from their profile (next to the padlock looking thing) They have since edited it (deleted it) and been reported to the moderator.</b>

Luke, It's someone posting from the company about some "letter" they got from a CF parent named deanna-ugh.


New member
RE:NEW info for cystic fibrosis .... some help here!

The reason I deleted everything is because I no longer want emails responding to this!!!!!!!

I didnt say that it was a drug
I didnt say that I was selling anything
I didnt even say where you can get it at.

I relayed a message of what I heard and knew that I could get more
info if someone wanted to look into it.

It was that simple.

Thats it! End of story!


New member
Good lord, then quit coming back. NObody wants to waste their time emailing such a rude person anyways. Don't hold your breath that any of us will be bothering you.


It looks obvious to me you're right...can they lock this spool, now?