Non CF siblings plagued with Cf like problems


New member
As I start this I do want to put out there that I don't mean to offend anyone with my question. But I am curious to learn if anyone has seen a pattern where a non/cf sibling of a CF patient has health issues that are not as extreme as CF but mirror cf problems?
I was salt tested about 25 years ago after one of my siblings was diagnosed with CF and it came out negative. I do know that I am a carrier because I had them test for the gene before I ever became pregnant. I have had digestive issues my whole life and have been told I have IBS and was also tested for colitis. I am a non smoker and have noticed that over the years I have become more susceptible to respiratory and sinus issues. None of this really struck me as odd until I had my children. Two of my three children seem to develop respiratory colds very easily. Actually one child in particular is easily affected by environmental conditions and her colds seem to linger a lot longer than they should.
I was just interested in learning if there were any other families out there dealing with the same issues? It really stinks at this point because with my frequent colds and my children's we don't get to spend as much time now with my CF sibling because we fear passing anymore bugs on to him. It can be heartbreaking at times because we don't know how many moments we may have with him yet for his sake we have to choose to stay away <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
As I start this I do want to put out there that I don't mean to offend anyone with my question. But I am curious to learn if anyone has seen a pattern where a non/cf sibling of aCF patient has health issues that are not as extreme asCF but mirror cf problems?
I was salt tested about 25 years ago afterone of mysiblings was diagnosed withCF and it came out negative. I do know that I am a carrier because Ihad them test for the gene before Iever became pregnant. I have had digestive issues my whole life and have been told I have IBSand was also tested for colitis. I am a non smoker and have noticed that over the years I have become more susceptible to respiratory and sinus issues. None of this really struck me as odd until I had my children. Two of my three children seem to develop respiratory colds very easily. Actually one child in particular is easily affected by environmental conditions and her colds seem to linger a lot longer than they should.
I was just interested in learning if there were any other families out there dealing with the same issues? It really stinks at this point because with my frequent colds and my children's we don't get to spend as much time now with my CF sibling because we fear passing anymore bugs on to him. It can be heartbreaking at times because we don't know how many moments we may have with him yet for his sake we have to choose to stay away <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
<p>As I start this I do want to put out there that I don't mean to offend anyone with my question. But I am curious to learn if anyone has seen a pattern where a non/cf sibling of aCF patient has health issues that are not as extreme asCF but mirror cf problems?
<p>I was salt tested about 25 years ago afterone of mysiblings was diagnosed withCF and it came out negative. I do know that I am a carrier because Ihad them test for the gene before Iever became pregnant. I have had digestive issues my whole life and have been told I have IBSand was also tested for colitis. I am a non smoker and have noticed that over the years I have become more susceptible to respiratory and sinus issues. None of this really struck me as odd until I had my children. Two of my three children seem to develop respiratory colds very easily. Actually one child in particular is easily affected by environmental conditions and her colds seem to linger a lot longer than they should.
<p>I was just interested in learning if there were any other families out there dealing with the same issues? It really stinks at this point because with my frequent colds and my children's we don't get to spend as much time now with my CF sibling because we fear passing anymore bugs on to him. It can be heartbreaking at times because we don't know how many moments we may have with him yet for his sake we have to choose to stay away <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">