Non profits for transplant fundraising

Starting my research on organizations that manage fundraised money for transplant and have found a few--COTA, NFT, HelpHopeLive. Does anyone have experience with any of them or have any insight on how they differ? Know of any others?

Is it hard to get reimbursed or do they pay bills directly?
Do they restrict your blogging (I heard COTA does)?
What cut do they take for managing fees?

I'm sure I'll be calling them individually but thought you might have insights first or suggested questions to ask. Thanks so much!



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hmm...unfortunately, I don't have much info about all of these but I do have experience with COTA. I used it after my transplant with fundraising to help pay the costs of medical bills and living in a different state at the time of my transplant. I know for sure that COTA does not pay bills directly. You get reimbursed with the money. It's not a difficult process from what I've experienced. All you need to do is send them written official PROOF of hospital visits, hotel accommodations, receipts, etc and then once they receive the proof they will send you a reimbursement. They may have certain restrictions about blogging. I'm not sure. My mother did all that since I was only 15 at the time. About managing fees, I don't think they take anything for that as far as I know. It's been a while since I had my transplant so they may have changed a few things here and there. I hope I could help at least a little bit.

Best of luck!