Norcardia in culture?



Our 23 month old boy had Norcardia in his most recent throat culture. The nurse said he will be recultured and that it probably isnt a big deal. I cant find any information on Norcardia, does anybody know anything about it?


Barry and Jill with Derek (23 mo boy with CF) and Anna - 1 month no CF


New member
I think it may be something to do with pnemonia, but im not
certain, any way don't think to much of the pnemonia, its just a
group of bacteria that come under that umbrella.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
Jill, are you sure of it's spelling? I found lots of articles/sites on Nocardia (no r).

Here is one of them:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Good luck!


New member
Dear Barry and Jill,
Yes, my son cultured Norcordia 4 years ago. He was 10 at the time and had had a really terrible year before he cultured it. He had had 3 tune ups in 9 months and in between kept having pnuemonia. I think he had had it for about that long before he cultured it. I have to admit it kind of freaked the CF Dr's out it was unusual for a CF patient to culture it. However, since then they have heard of it more and more. Just a few weeks afterwards it was discussed at the Annual CF conference. Appartently certain 'bugs' hit certain areas. Norcordia is showing up in the Southwest. Where do you live? We do live in th SW. We live in NM.
You are the first person I have talked to that has had a child culture it. I will warn you, I couldn't find anyinformation on it. And what I did find on the internet scared me to death so be careful.
Like I said my Dr's weresurprized they brought in the Infectious Diesease Dr in to consult about what Meds to treat him with. They treated him very aggressively and he got better. He hasn't grown it since They do watch him very close we just finished a tune up last week and they did lots of cultures.
How is your son doing? He's so young it's hard to compare one time to the next. Like I said my son was very sick.
I'll be glad to answer any questions.

Mom to three 17 w/o CF, 14 w CF, 9 w CF


New member
Thanks for all your replies.

Yes, it is spelled Nocardia. And what can be found on infections sounds scary. But i think the scary stuff is more related to full blown infections in immuno deficient people and it looks less frightening for CF.

Derek is doing outstanding and he has had no cough for over a year.

We will find out at our doctor visit tommorrow. They plan to take another culture and if it is positivie and other antibiotic war will be waged.

Thanks again,



New member
Our nurse called back to let us know they were wrong about nocardia in the culture. It turned out to be a common bacteria in the mouth. Whew.

She said that her and the doctor were not considering nocardia to be a serious problem anyways. Which seems to disagree with what i learned through you all and on the web while i was stressing over the weekend.

Thanks for all of your help!
