

New member
My 17 year old daughter has had 3 bouts of norovirus. She's been sick 3 weeks out of the last 6. Anybody else having problems with this?


New member
My 17 year old daughter has had 3 bouts of norovirus. She's been sick 3 weeks out of the last 6. Anybody else having problems with this?


New member
My 17 year old daughter has had 3 bouts of norovirus. She's been sick 3 weeks out of the last 6. Anybody else having problems with this?


New member
My 17 year old daughter has had 3 bouts of norovirus. She's been sick 3 weeks out of the last 6. Anybody else having problems with this?


New member
My 17 year old daughter has had 3 bouts of norovirus. She's been sick 3 weeks out of the last 6. Anybody else having problems with this?


Yes. We just got out of the hospital last Tuesday the 16th with it. It is pretty nasty stuff. My little boy's only one but seems to have very low resistance to stomach bugs in particular. They had us on Rocephin, then switched us to Cephotaxime so we could adequately address both the supposed Norovirus and H. Flu that he's been culturing. It lasted probably a total of three weeks from the onset of symptoms.


Yes. We just got out of the hospital last Tuesday the 16th with it. It is pretty nasty stuff. My little boy's only one but seems to have very low resistance to stomach bugs in particular. They had us on Rocephin, then switched us to Cephotaxime so we could adequately address both the supposed Norovirus and H. Flu that he's been culturing. It lasted probably a total of three weeks from the onset of symptoms.


Yes. We just got out of the hospital last Tuesday the 16th with it. It is pretty nasty stuff. My little boy's only one but seems to have very low resistance to stomach bugs in particular. They had us on Rocephin, then switched us to Cephotaxime so we could adequately address both the supposed Norovirus and H. Flu that he's been culturing. It lasted probably a total of three weeks from the onset of symptoms.


Yes. We just got out of the hospital last Tuesday the 16th with it. It is pretty nasty stuff. My little boy's only one but seems to have very low resistance to stomach bugs in particular. They had us on Rocephin, then switched us to Cephotaxime so we could adequately address both the supposed Norovirus and H. Flu that he's been culturing. It lasted probably a total of three weeks from the onset of symptoms.


Yes. We just got out of the hospital last Tuesday the 16th with it. It is pretty nasty stuff. My little boy's only one but seems to have very low resistance to stomach bugs in particular. They had us on Rocephin, then switched us to Cephotaxime so we could adequately address both the supposed Norovirus and H. Flu that he's been culturing. It lasted probably a total of three weeks from the onset of symptoms.