Nose Bleeds


New member
Ok, I rarely ever have nose bleeds...if I do it's like once a year. This past week, I have had at least one every day. Does anyone know what this could be from? I haven't been on any new meds, other than the ones I've been doing all my life. But I was just wondering..I mean, it could be from the cold air, cuz my room gets very hot at night, so I sleep with my window cracked, which is right above my head. Could this be it? This sounds so stupid, but I'd really appreciate your input. Thanks!


New member
If your room gets very hot at night. Is it a dry heat? It could be that you need a humidifier. I had to do that. I got a cool-mist one. It really makes me feel better in the morning. My dr says any CF'er does not want to get dry. Have to keep those insides moist. She didn't want me to have a warm mist one. Take care.


New member
It's a definite nose bleed, like I have to pinch my nose to make it stop. I live in NJ, so right now it's really cold outside. I live at school, and in my dorm hallway there is a heater, and in all of our rooms we have our own heaters. For some reason, people feel the need to turn on the hallway heater, and this air comes into my room through my door. I never even have to turn my heat on because it gets so hot in here. I usually turn the hallway one off, cuz it's annoying. Why would you turn the hallway heater on, when you have one in your room? It just doesn't make sense to me. Lol, definitely a topic that gets me pun intended lol. I mean, I don't know what kind of air things we're allowed to have in here, plus there's really no room to put anything cuz I live in a closet, but a humidifier sounds like an idea. Next year I'm living at home, so hopefully I won't have these problems.


New member
I get nose bleeds maybe once every few months. The other day I got a nose bleed for the first time in a long time. It was scary, because it was a huge amount. I got a little freaked out.

One thing I've noticed is that one of my nostrils goes straight up to my brain practically! I think I could stick a pencil all the way up there if I really wanted to! That is the side that bleeds when I do get a nose bleed. My right side, I never have any problems with it. I asked my doctor what was up, and he said that my septum is crooked, and sinus surgeries can make it even more crooked.

I never thought about hot/cold causing nose bleeds... interesting. Hopefully you will get the problem worked out...Nose bleeds are not fun.