NOT CF related but a question about alcohol consumption


New member
I have a female friend(21yrs old) that tends to go one drinking sprees. She is maybe 145 or so, really don't know. She doesn't really ever eat much and when she drinks she says she will eat nothing before so it will hit her harder and quicker. But Friday night she told me she planbned to get hammered and she said she didn't eat that day so she could "control the amount of calories she took in". In the past I've gotten rather angry with her about her lack of eating. I isn't (for the average female worried about their weight), how much you eat but the quality of the food. I've kinda promised her I wont bring that topic up b/c her mother is obsessed with outter appearance and stresses it on her and her 17 yr old sister(who also drinks a lot). Anyways Fri night she had 10 Miller Lights and after I left her place apparenly 4 shots of liquoir. And she claims she will never eat the day after due to not feeling like it. I've posted before saying I myself never drink. I tell her eventhough I don't drink I'm not a morron about having a full stomach to absorb the acohol and how you need to drink water and each certain foods the next day to even out your body. But she doesn't seem to care. But I mean 10 beers and the liquior to ME seems to be like a war zone on the stomach lining, etc. She and I met at college and I told her I was VERY glad she would take health class with her sister so she would get a "wake up call" that I think shes killing her body. Then again I'm one that eats whenever I feel like it and whatever foods I choose in order to ry to gain weight. So, does anyone have valid info on what she might be doing to herself. Or since she will drink for a few days and then go a week or two without hardly that enough time for her body to recuperate? She very stubborn so its hard to get through to her. Thanks


New member
People with Cystic Fibrosis are just like regular people (except for the medical issues). As young adults and teens they often encounter the same issues and pressures as everyone else. I have known many people with CF who have unfortunately found escapism through drinking and drug abuse. They feel the need to get away from whatever problems they have-medical, school, social pressure-and in this case if your accurate possibly also her mothers critisism. Just like others they may just want to fit in. And yes it can have an affect on their health, just like it does on everyone else, arguably worse but that varies from person to person. There is no easy answer to this situation. As a good friend all you can do is make sure she knows you are there for her and encourage her to get help-just like you would with anyone else.



"My friends are my estate. Forgive the avarice of hoarding them."-Emily Dickinson


New member
hi, not sure if your girlfriend as well as you , both have CF?? anyway it's really not great to be drinking huge ammounts of alcohol on an empty stomach, it can be harmful to not only your liver but other organs as well. Long term excessive drinking may lead to alcoholism further down the track too.
Can you talk to her mother about your obvious concerns?. Good luck.


New member
Besides being on the younger side & stupid, its sounds like she might be an alcoholic. I have many active as well as recovering alcoholics in my family. All the stories are the same, all the reasoning & excuses are the same & everyone swears they are not like the other. In addition to the way she drinks, the amount she consumes is unhealthy for anyone. Eventually you will need to use "tough love" which is basically just turning off your emotions & telling her what/where/how things stand with you. I wish the best for you your friend!


New member
Well...MAYBE I made it sound slightly more dramatic than it is....maybe not. My best male friend just told me that alcohol is far more detrimental to college/ high school females due to the samll amount of food they consume and the amount of alcohol they tend to consume on some occasions. This girl or my female friend I don't near consider to be close to an alcoholic, front from what I've heard the characteristics of an alcoholic to be. She just enjoys "the buzz" and she even told me the day after I posted this that she NEVER plans to drink the amount she did because it brought her nothing but a yuck feeling all the next day. It also tweeks me the wrong way when she wont eat the day AFTER she has consumed a decent amount of alcohol because she "doesn't feel like it". I always give her a blank look when she gives me that retort. But in responce to someones she does not have CF, only I do. But I KNOW pressure to fit in is still on her list at 21, I'm 22. She once told me she and her sister were having a house party and she was going to fill a cup with something to "give the impression" she was drinking. I asked, "do you really care that much how people see you...drinking versus not"? She kinda got quiet and couldn't give me a bold answer so I know it does. I've known her for maybe 11 months now and I know she has great uncertainites about things, including her image so I figure that is greatly where alcohol comes in as it does with many people. Her best friend, her sister, is only 17 and drinks a decent amount too. She is smaller in size too and also doesn't not eat that much. I personally blame their mother for the "you HAVE to look as good as you can whenever in public" because allegitly their mom went through major imagine issues after college or at the end and went to extreme measures to look "good".....nother topic for another place sorry. But I do everything I can to make my friend feel great about herself and hopefully the alcohol stage is one that will diminish over time. Geez sorry for the long post hehe But thanks for the helpful thoughts.