Just thought I'ld share my morning. I had such a sweet time with my daughter doing such simple stuff. Went to Wal-mart with Maggie to get some clothes for her cause she's growing and needs a bathingsuit. She like to pick stuff out and picked out 2 cute t-shirts, flared stretch pants, and such a cute bathing suit. Her belly looks so round in it but in a good way. We went to BK for lunch together then went home so she could try on her clothes. Now she's doing her vest with her new bathing suit on on her new t shirt and pants on too(it's raining out and we're not gong swimming today but she refused to take it off) She was dancing around with her new clothes on saying she has fancy pants on. She gave me the best Mother's Day present already today and she doesn't even know it. I guess i'm feeling very sappy today. I guess this is part of CF, you just enjoy the little moments.
Rebecca(mom to Sammy 7 no CF and Maggie 3 with CF)
Rebecca(mom to Sammy 7 no CF and Maggie 3 with CF)