not eating


New member
I have a 14 month old daughter that is being really picking with
eating. She will eat breakfast but when lunch and dinner comes she
doesn't want to eat. She will eat her yogurt . But I am lost on
what to feed her.. Any ideas. I am getting worried that she isn't
eating enough. But everyone tells me that babies go through this
stage, which my son did but he doesn't have CF..


New member
At that age my son, who is still a very picky eater at 3, was eating omlettes, scrambled eggs, formula, yogurt, and baby fruit and that's about it. Later he decided he did not like eggs and we had to find something else. We pretty much just offer him everything that comes into the house and hope some of it sticks.


New member
Reece does NOT eat either!!! I can count on one hand what he ate for a week!!! Atleast we have the feeding tube....thats where he gets his nutrition. BUT thats only half of what hes suppose to take in!!!! We have tried everything....either this is a LONGGGGGG stage for him or he just doesnt feel like eating?????!!!!!!


New member
All kids go through it. My 6 year old currently eats 1 meal a day and want snacks about an hour after meal time. Because he has not been gaining weight as a "normal" child his age should and is currently going under a lot of testing to find out if he has CF the Dr. said "feed him what he will eat." He also said "if he doesn't eat a well balanced meal to break it up during the day." That is what we have been doing and at least he is eating. Yogurt is a very healthy snack and if she will eat that feed her more. Try adding little finger foods like little pieces of chicken so she gets protien, but my advice is go with what you know she will eat, but keep trying to add just a little something every few days. Keep variety down for now.



New member
I think one of the reasons why our kids with cf have more eating issues is because we struggle as parents to get enough food down and as a result take control of the meal. We are told by the nutritionists that they NEED "1500 calories" and we are desperate to get that much down because our kids life depends on it. After going through this with both of my children, your daughter will be fine. Try not to stress about. Her weight might not go up much at all until she gets out the this stage. The kids feel a lot of pressure from us and problems result. My best advice to you is to feed your daughter like you did your son. She will go through stages of not wanting to eat as much just like your son. There is nothing you can do about it. Just realize it is a stage and in a few weeks or so, things will be probably get back to normal. Just keep offering foods with higher fat content. A good book to read is "Child of Mine" by Ellyn Satter.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, almost 5 and Jack, almost 3 both with cf


New member
here are a few suggestions for you...
Boost Pudding (240 calories)
Shredded cheddar cheese
Easy Mac (in the cup)
Ramen noodles...after it's cooked...I drain all the water...and mix the flavor packet with the noodles
Hope this helps...we struggle with this from time to daughter is 19 months old


New member
My 4 year old has times when he doesn't want to eat. We just give him a Carnation Instant Breakfast drink. We use whole milk and half & half to add extra calories. Y ou can also use ice cream to make it into a milk shake. He will almost always take that when he won't eat anything else.


New member
I am not sure if this will work but make a meal that is very tasty. You eat the same meal. When you are feeding your child give them slow feedings. Give them a bite at a time and take lots of breaks. Perhaps if they like the food they will get their appetite stimulated. Asking them to finish a meal is challenging especially if they have no appetite. So if you can get their appetite to grow little by little this might work. Possibly say if you finish this, I will give you some more of that? It is important to take breaks because of their breathing or little stomach it takes time for their appetite and stomach to increase.


Staff member
DS is such a picky eater. We usually end up fixing him something else that what we're eating. We put a small amount on his plate, but he usually throws a fit and refuses to try it. We don't want mealtimes to become a struggle -- I can remember refusing for what seemed like HOURS to eat a bite of green beans as a child. He gets carnation instant breakfast for every meal at home, we offer him a number of snack choices -- yogurt, string cheese, crackers. The other night we had tacos and he acted as if we were murdering him just because we offered him one and put it on his plate. Liza


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thank you everyone for your advice. I am going to try new stuff with her.. She did just get tweo molars so maybe that is why she wasn't eating.


New member
Hi Jessica,

I have been going through this with my daughter for 7months now. I thought it would change as she get's older, but it hasn't.
I guess she is just a picky eater, like her dad i guess. Although i have tried many things and sometimes nothing seems to work. I haye going to clinic because the dietician alway's gang's up on me as to why Olivia won't drink her milk and it makes me feel like a bad mother, like as if i don't want my child drinking milk. I have tries so many diff things and nothing works.

The only things she eats is baby jars(which i don't like to give her)but resort to it because i know she will eat it. I still make home cooked food for her every day but end up throwing it out because she won't eat it. She will sometimes eat chiken soup, mashed potato, and never say's no to yoghurt and custard.

Now i'm fighting to try and get her to eat more veggies, meat, eggs, but she gag's when i try. Maybe she just doesn't lke the taste, i don't know. I too am very confused and lunch and dinner has been a real challenge.

Eli(not logged in)


New member
Hi Eli

If she likes baby food then take all the meals you prepare for her and blend them to a good taste and perhaps she will eat it that way? It is better than nothing. Say this is Mommies Baby food. Yummy


New member
Hi Risa,

Thanks for the advice, but i have already tried that. I think i have tried almost every avenue and can't get anywhere.
The thing is she is 18 months old and almost has a mouth full of teeth and refuses to chew. The dietician at clinic has got the shits with me, because i still sometimes puree her food and she say's i'm very wrong in doing so.
Now, what to do?

Somtimes a mix half a jar and then add my "home cooked" food to it, but she is not silly and notces the difference. My god, they are much smarter than we think. I feel its going to be a lengthy battle.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

My mum said that my brother was the same, he just didn't want to eat and they alway's thought there was somthing wrong as he just stayed small and hardly put on weight. As he got older, like 12/13 he began to eat like a humen and then became fatter, and also looked healthier. But i don't want this with my daughter, the fact that she has CF makes it much harder.


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Max always had texture issues -- didn't like ground meat or toast -- so at that age, I still ended up fixing him babyfood. I could give him Stage 2 baby food, but there were several of the stage 3s that had ground meat or pasta and he'd gag. I'd doctor up the baby food with butter and salt. I also gave him lots of yogurt. He also liked mandarin orange slices at that age.

He still likes ham patties and slices of cheese. When we're travelling, I get him spagettios -- they sorta slide down and he loves them -- at home I add some olive oil. He's a little better these days -- he likes hamburger patties, bread -- apparently he's a MUCH better eater at school -- Peer pressure. We were shocked to hear that he eats sandwiches with meat and cheese, salad, fish....
