not experienced this before


New member
the last few days i have been totally off my food, the thing is i am not even hungry so i have kinda tried to force something down but i never end up finshing anything small like a sandwich.... i also have not had any sleep the past 2 days, is it worth gettin things checked out over at the hospital? or am i over-reacting. just curious cause it could be a sign for an infection? but.. i feel fine!...?


New member
Something is up. Even if its not an infection you cant not be eating. How about at least trying to get some shakes in you until you can figure out whats up &/or get your appetite back? Good Luck!


New member
My son has had a virus this past week with a fever. He hasn't been able to eat at all! Luckily he has a g-tube so we're keeping up with some fluids and calories. It gets scary when you just can't eat. What about smoothies?



New member
I had that problem where I just wasn't hungry and I felt fine...come to find out I was getting sick and thank goodness I went to my doc to check things out. We caught whatever it was before it turned into something worse. I would suggest at least trying to force things down even if it takes you an hour to eat the whole sandwich. It's funny everyone here sounds like my mom...have a shake at least it will help haha. As they say though a mother knows best, and they do. Just remember eat something....even if it is like 6 small meals a day instead of 3 huge ones and a few little snacks (that is what I do and it isn't helping me gain weight!).


New member
If I start to lose my appetite I know I'm getting an infection somwhere in my lungs-even if I hardly feel it. I always lose my appetite. Could that be it?