Actually, if your sister knows which mutations she has, you can just request that you be tested for those mutations only. The testing should be cheaper and results quicker that way. Of course, this assumes that you both have the SAME biological parents - mother and father. Assuming that is the case, if you test negative for both mutations, then there is no need to have your partner tested. Even if he is a carrier, if you test negative, your children will at worst be carriers, at best be non-carriers.
If, however, you test positive for one or both mutations that your sister carries, then you should have your dh tested either through Quest's extended panel or Ambry's panel for all known mutations to ensure that he is not a carrier of any known mutations. THe genetic testing most drs offices use are just general screening tools and don't test for all mutations unless you specifically request, hence why you should request Ambry or Quest's extended panel.
If, however, you have a different biological parent than your sister (ie half siblings), then you should just request the full Ambry or extended Quest test to ensure the most accurate results possible.
Also, while Quest's extended panel and Ambry's panel test for all known mutations, there are still some unidentified mutations; therefore, it is at this time, impossible to conclusively rule out CF by genetic testing alone. The exception would be the case above - if you & your sister both have the same biological parents AND she knows BOTH of her mutations. In that case, if you test negative for both mutations, you are NOT a carrier for cf.
I hope that was helpful and not too confusing. Please ask if you have any other questions. Also, if you request the Quest test, be sure to specifically mention and double check with your dr that he/she does the EXTENDED panel since Quest has a brief carrier test, too that is used for the general population where there is no known family history of cf. (It tests for less than 100 mutations when there are well over 1000 known mutations.)
Good luck!!