Now that summer's here


New member
Parents of teenagers or whomever, Now that summer is here, how do you get treatments done in the AM when they want to sleep in? The past two summers we have been moving so there really wasn't an issue but not this summer, we're staying put. (we're military) My girls love to sleep in when there's no school, weekends are tough, not to mention breaks, but now we are looking at a two and a half month break. Sometimes they don't get their treatments done until almost noon when there is no school. Do you notice a difference when you let your teen sleep too late? Not the normal grumpyness, healthwise? I was just curious what other parents do in the summer. One of my girls only does treatments once a day, usually in the evening but in the summer we switch to mornings because sometimes if she's had a busy day she'll fall asleep in the middle or before her treatments. The other daughter is an AM-PM. The next two weeks will be easy because she has a 10am driver's ed. class. Do you just not let them sleep in? Just curious what others do. ThanksLiza


New member
I am not a parent of a teen, but I am a teen myself. I like to sleeep in and find it harder to do treatments because of it. Anyway I just make sure the second I roll out of bed I do my chest treatment (vest and flutter) then I get ready for the day and eat so that I don't starve. After that I do my nebs and find that it works out fine. I go to bed later in the summer so I get my last treatment later too. I am not sure if this helps, but good luck!