No one is asking you to change your opinion concerning whether YOU needed this article. Or to change your opinion on whether the article is helpful. But your initial comment was that you didn't need this "in your face" and I thought you clarified that that meant that some have this "in their face" of living it and that it is unbearably hard to be living this, which of course is absolutely true.
But now you seem to make the point which I had thought you initially were making and to which I responded: That it was not appropriate for this forum. This forum has a wide-group of folks involved and suffering from CF in different ways, at different stages and some of the posts will help some and some will be hard for others. When our son was first diagnosed, I didn't go to ANY groups because I couldn't handle hearing the harder stuff. And I still selectively read based on what I can handle; but I would never expect others not to post something they found important or possibly helpful to others because it would be painful some. Of course, you are entitled to your own opinion on what is appropriate for this forum, but you seem to have many issues with this community's interaction, what is appropriate to post, when to respond, what to say. I think you should seriously reflect on whether this group is the best fit for you.
Please know that tone is hard to convey electronically and I say this with the utmost concern and compassion for another mom who struggles as I do with loving her DS more than life itself and finds CF the heaviest of crosses.