oh, sorry


New member
Hey guys, sorry. I didn't know the horse guy got kicked off. And when I mean, "stirr up", the boards, I don't mean making everyone mad and out of temper. I mean, stirr up ferver and interest in the boards: have a lot of people coming here, and me be popular. but by the way julie, how can you kick off an anonymous guy? Anyway, thanks for the tip: I won't stirr it up in the wrong way, I never meant to. Anyway, maybe there's another way to have lots of people here. How about everybody try to post at least twice a day? Cool?

PS what did the guy do, did he curse all the time, or did he show disrespect or what? i want to make sure I don't repeat his mistakes, whatever they were



New member
Anonymous, whoever you are, you better QUIT IT before the Admin comes. I think you're an idiot to try this( and to tell the truthh, i think the Admin is an idiot too) stop it right NOW!, unless you want to get kicked off. There are ways of kicking off anonymous users you know. But don't tell the Admin I think he's an idiot, but that's what I think.


New member
julie, I SAID I'm not treing to stirr up the boards in a bad way! Come on, this is GOOD! If more people know about and have interest in CF, we might have more people making money for CF, which means the better chance of a cure, right!?? But pleese, what did hee do?
By the way, why aren't you logged in?


New member
I agree, why du want to be so popular anyway? What is popular? I think you should just create an account and be yourself, and I agree with Julie, you should quit it!

Shamrock, x


New member
I'm sorry, but after reviewing this thread I'm finding it hard to believe that it was actually Julie that wrote the above post. The last sentence about the Admin. sounds a little juvenile. Julie would obviously know that the Admin. reviews the posts. I believe the original anonymous poster is writing these posts to intentionally stir things up.


New member
Plus Julie always signs in and when she doesnt she always signs it Julie wife of Mark w/cf. I had a person pose as me before so its not hard at all.