omega 3s


New member
my girlfriend is pretty much in advance stages of cystic fibrosis. i care about her a lot and ill do anything to make her better...i bought some omega 3 fatty acid pills, i looked it up in google and it said that there were some early signs in research that it might help cystic fibrosis with the inflammation. i was wondering if any of you ever tried it and if you have any feedback?

shes doing pretty good right now, she has her bad days. but when we get in fights and she gets upset and stressed, she cant breathe...i try to calm her down and do the airway clearance therapy so its easier for her to breathe...i was just wondering if any of you had the same problem and you can give me any advice. i really could use it. anything will really help..i just want her to get better, is there anything i can do to lessen the symptoms and make her more comfortable?exercise? nutrition? anything...?

thanks for your time..


New member
I know nothing about the Omega 3 stuff. But to make her more comfortable... My best advice is just to be there for her. Make sure she knows you're there for her. If she's on IVs or sick, hang around the house unless you have something *important* to do. If she asks you to do something for her, or get something for her, just do it. Without so much as a funny face that might get across the idea that you'd rather be lazy and let her do it. Don't give her any inclination that maybe you mind doing all these things for her. Make sure she knows you love helping. Stuff like that. And if she has a coughing fit, just make sure she knows you're there. Ask her if she could use anything, water, tissues, a cup, whatever. If not, just put your hand on her back, or hold her hand, or whatever. Be supportive and loving. I assume you're doing most, if not all, of this stuff anyway. But those are my best ideas. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
thanks i really appreciate it...that's what i try to do most of the time, like she'll be laying on her bed, and i just put my hand on her back and try to wait it out...but sometimes it's really hard on me cause i think "Hey what happens if she dies right now" It would just kill me. I try to be there for her, she doesn't really have much of the coughing fits but she tells me it's just uncomfortable to breathe. But she gets use to it. But I guess when she's stressed she just really can't...And it's tough on me but I want to help. She means the world to me, and really, all i want is for her to be's such a terrible thing that no one should have to go through, especially the ones you love more than anything.... thanks for the reply..


New member
sorry that last post ^ was me i just forgot to sign in...

anyone else who has advice for me would be greatly appreciated too. thank you...


New member
If I am having an actual coughing fit then its better that my husband just wait it out. If I am having a hard time breathing or just feel like crap then just having his hand on my back relaxes me enough to make me feel better. Since the day we met his touch has been very healing for me. Sickening I know, but sooooooooooooooo nice!


New member
Hi dxd04,
I just started on Omega 3s about 6 weeks ago, a nutritionist suggested I take it since I don't care for or eat much fish. I have heard about high doses of Omega 3s helping to decrease inflammation but am just taking the recommended dose. I'm not sure if I can give the Omega 3 the credit for this or not, but this is the first summer I haven't felt horrible.... I live near Boston, it is very hot and humid in summer and the air quality is poor. Usually in the I feel crummy most of July and August, but this year I feel ok lung wise. I still don't like the heat, but at least my breathing is ok!! As I said, I am not sure if the Omega 3 are the cause of my feeling well, but that is the only thing I am doing differently. I would say have your girlfriend bring it up and ask her doctor about it. It sounds like you are very supportive.

40 w/cf


New member
DXD, omega 3's are essential and a good idea to take anyways, regardless of a CF diagnosis or not. Taken properly and either under recommendation/guidance of a doctor or the FDA's guidelines, they are so very healthy for you.

My husbands dad owns a health food store in WA and that is one of the products that Mark is always purchasing and making sure he has on hand to take daily.

Mark is sleeping right now, but I will ask him if he has any specifics to post if you have any more qeustions-he is much more knowledgable about this topic than I am.


New member
Well, having a bad case of CF is something I've never had. But I'm just a pre-teen, and I've gone through hospitalazation when I was ten, and let me tell you: be there for her. My mom was there for me during the thirteen shots-over-the-course-of-five-days- fiasco. Ouch! I didn't lower the pain any(at one time, the nurse was "digging"(literally moving it AROUND UNDER THE SURFACE OF MY HAND) and I was actually yelling so loud you could hear it down the hall. I don't know what your girlfriend's going through, but like we've said: Just be there for her.
A nutritionist also suggested that I take the pills as well...I can't say that I've noticed anything different, but seeing as I'm not the only one that is taking them and that julie said it's good to take them then I'd say go for it.