I've been trying since 2006 to restore bone density and nothing worked. I mean nothing. I was afraid to use bisphosphonates like Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, Atelvia and Reclast since there have been questionable side effects. Most popular calcium supplements just did not work and I became frustrated, after years of bad DEXA scansto the point of giving up and giving in to medications while my bone densities headed straight into the danger zone.
My CF endocrinologist wanted to start me on Forteo but it's not a long term solution. Then an owner of a local vitamin store offered something that he claimed worked, based on all the good DEXA reports he was getting from elderly customers. That sounded like a sales pitch to me. I'm typically leery of such claims. But I had to throw caution to the wind and go on blind faith that the supplements he suggested would work before turning to medications.
My 2010 an 2011 DEXA scans revealed consistent osteoblast and I was thrilled. My L1-L4 vertebrae were dangerously low at -3.5 to -3.7 on average. Now, I'm almost at the -2.0 (osteopenia) range for back and hip scans. -2.5 is the beginning of osteoporosis given the overall density range is +1.0 to -4.0.
So I dunno,maybe this will help you. The name of the product is Grow Bone by Vitamin Code. It's a raw caclium proprietary blend. Rather than bore you with my description, the site is: <a href="http://www.growbone.com/">www.growbone.com</a>.
Here is what it contains: <a href="http://www.growbone.com/Portals/25/Images/SubPages/TheSystem/SystemSupFacts.jpg">http://www.growbone.com/Portals/25/Images/SubPages/TheSystem/SystemSupFacts.jpg</a>
I know everyone is different but it really worked for me. I feel like I need to share this with others who have CF-related bone density issues.
I do hope this helps you as it has helped me. I will have my annual scan in about two weeks and will report my results.
If you have used this product, let me know your results. Thanks.
Todd (49 with Delta F-508 + P140S and CF-related Osteo)
My CF endocrinologist wanted to start me on Forteo but it's not a long term solution. Then an owner of a local vitamin store offered something that he claimed worked, based on all the good DEXA reports he was getting from elderly customers. That sounded like a sales pitch to me. I'm typically leery of such claims. But I had to throw caution to the wind and go on blind faith that the supplements he suggested would work before turning to medications.
My 2010 an 2011 DEXA scans revealed consistent osteoblast and I was thrilled. My L1-L4 vertebrae were dangerously low at -3.5 to -3.7 on average. Now, I'm almost at the -2.0 (osteopenia) range for back and hip scans. -2.5 is the beginning of osteoporosis given the overall density range is +1.0 to -4.0.
So I dunno,maybe this will help you. The name of the product is Grow Bone by Vitamin Code. It's a raw caclium proprietary blend. Rather than bore you with my description, the site is: <a href="http://www.growbone.com/">www.growbone.com</a>.
Here is what it contains: <a href="http://www.growbone.com/Portals/25/Images/SubPages/TheSystem/SystemSupFacts.jpg">http://www.growbone.com/Portals/25/Images/SubPages/TheSystem/SystemSupFacts.jpg</a>
I know everyone is different but it really worked for me. I feel like I need to share this with others who have CF-related bone density issues.
I do hope this helps you as it has helped me. I will have my annual scan in about two weeks and will report my results.
If you have used this product, let me know your results. Thanks.
Todd (49 with Delta F-508 + P140S and CF-related Osteo)