Other than CF - causes of PI


New member
Our daughter is 7.5 years old. Her pancreatic lactase test showed 145 (she has awful stomach pains, gas, and floating stool). Her sweat test showed 38 on one arm and 41 on the other. We will go have the Ambry test in a couple of weeks so not sure if she has CF or not. What are other possible causes of pancreatic insufficiency?



New member
Our daughter is 7.5 years old. Her pancreatic lactase test showed 145 (she has awful stomach pains, gas, and floating stool). Her sweat test showed 38 on one arm and 41 on the other. We will go have the Ambry test in a couple of weeks so not sure if she has CF or not. What are other possible causes of pancreatic insufficiency?



New member
Our daughter is 7.5 years old. Her pancreatic lactase test showed 145 (she has awful stomach pains, gas, and floating stool). Her sweat test showed 38 on one arm and 41 on the other. We will go have the Ambry test in a couple of weeks so not sure if she has CF or not. What are other possible causes of pancreatic insufficiency?
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<br />Thanks


There are very few diseases that cause PI. Schwachmann-Diamond Syndrome is one. Its also possible with celiac's disease to become pancreatic insufficient. Does your daughter have any other symptoms?


There are very few diseases that cause PI. Schwachmann-Diamond Syndrome is one. Its also possible with celiac's disease to become pancreatic insufficient. Does your daughter have any other symptoms?


There are very few diseases that cause PI. Schwachmann-Diamond Syndrome is one. Its also possible with celiac's disease to become pancreatic insufficient. Does your daughter have any other symptoms?


New member
I am curious about your results. My ds is PI and is now on Creon. He has had several dissacharidease defficiency tests done with his scopes. The last of them showed he was defficient in all of them (maltose, sucrose, lactose and he failed his fructose absorption test). But, I was always told PI is diagnosed through elastase testing. I am just interested in how low lactase etc. differs from full on PI. I know the Creon helps digest fats, carbs and proteins so I am just confused about how these are different, or the same. If you have any information, I would love to hear it! One thing I do know is that lactose intolerance on it's own shouldn't cause failure to thrive where fat malabsorption from PI does.
I have looked many times for other causes of PI. The answers I got here were the most helpful. CF, SDS and another metabolic disease are most often to blame. I also read diabetes can cause it. It is a hallmark sign of CF though. My DS also had a 38 on his sweat test...So many things to put together.
Good luck and I hope you find answers soon.


New member
I am curious about your results. My ds is PI and is now on Creon. He has had several dissacharidease defficiency tests done with his scopes. The last of them showed he was defficient in all of them (maltose, sucrose, lactose and he failed his fructose absorption test). But, I was always told PI is diagnosed through elastase testing. I am just interested in how low lactase etc. differs from full on PI. I know the Creon helps digest fats, carbs and proteins so I am just confused about how these are different, or the same. If you have any information, I would love to hear it! One thing I do know is that lactose intolerance on it's own shouldn't cause failure to thrive where fat malabsorption from PI does.
I have looked many times for other causes of PI. The answers I got here were the most helpful. CF, SDS and another metabolic disease are most often to blame. I also read diabetes can cause it. It is a hallmark sign of CF though. My DS also had a 38 on his sweat test...So many things to put together.
Good luck and I hope you find answers soon.


New member
I am curious about your results. My ds is PI and is now on Creon. He has had several dissacharidease defficiency tests done with his scopes. The last of them showed he was defficient in all of them (maltose, sucrose, lactose and he failed his fructose absorption test). But, I was always told PI is diagnosed through elastase testing. I am just interested in how low lactase etc. differs from full on PI. I know the Creon helps digest fats, carbs and proteins so I am just confused about how these are different, or the same. If you have any information, I would love to hear it! One thing I do know is that lactose intolerance on it's own shouldn't cause failure to thrive where fat malabsorption from PI does.
<br />I have looked many times for other causes of PI. The answers I got here were the most helpful. CF, SDS and another metabolic disease are most often to blame. I also read diabetes can cause it. It is a hallmark sign of CF though. My DS also had a 38 on his sweat test...So many things to put together.
<br />Good luck and I hope you find answers soon.
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New member
Thanks mom2owen and mommafirst for your replies. Our daughter is growth hormone deficient and lactose intolerant. Those are her only other issues other than her PI. She does not get colds very easily but has gotten really sick with the flu the past couple of years (lots of coughing and congestion). She joined our family through international adoption so we have no health history on her biological parents. Her blood test for celiac was normal. I wonder if she should be tested again. Her growth hormone levels were normal via blood test until they did a hormone stimulation test. She has no skeletal issues which I believe is associated with SDS. It is all such a puzzle. I guess we will have to wait for the Ambry results to see what direction we are heading in. Thanks.


New member
Thanks mom2owen and mommafirst for your replies. Our daughter is growth hormone deficient and lactose intolerant. Those are her only other issues other than her PI. She does not get colds very easily but has gotten really sick with the flu the past couple of years (lots of coughing and congestion). She joined our family through international adoption so we have no health history on her biological parents. Her blood test for celiac was normal. I wonder if she should be tested again. Her growth hormone levels were normal via blood test until they did a hormone stimulation test. She has no skeletal issues which I believe is associated with SDS. It is all such a puzzle. I guess we will have to wait for the Ambry results to see what direction we are heading in. Thanks.


New member
Thanks mom2owen and mommafirst for your replies. Our daughter is growth hormone deficient and lactose intolerant. Those are her only other issues other than her PI. She does not get colds very easily but has gotten really sick with the flu the past couple of years (lots of coughing and congestion). She joined our family through international adoption so we have no health history on her biological parents. Her blood test for celiac was normal. I wonder if she should be tested again. Her growth hormone levels were normal via blood test until they did a hormone stimulation test. She has no skeletal issues which I believe is associated with SDS. It is all such a puzzle. I guess we will have to wait for the Ambry results to see what direction we are heading in. Thanks.


New member
My daughter was tested for CF when she was 7.5 (two years ago.) Her sweat tests were both in the borderline range, somewhere in the high 40's, low 50's... Then we did the 72 hour fecal fat test and found she has severe pancreatic insufficiency. The Ambry test came back a few weeks later and she has one mutation. We've been trying to figure out where she fits ever since then. She's been diagnosed with atypical CF, but that has gone back and forth for awhile.

My daughter was also adopted -- from Russia. The only thing we know is that the birthmother is blond. Personally, I think knowing her height and weight would be a lot more useful, but hey, I didn't get to write the adoption codes in Moscow... So it leaves us wondering if our daughter is genetically predestined to be 4'8" or if her small size is because of the pancreatic insuffiency or some other unknown reason.

Even after starting on Creon and Prilosec, my daughter continued passing gas, lots of burping, lots of stomach and side pain, sometimes runny poops and sometimes constipation. She also never gained any weight. She's had a couple of blood tests for celiac which were always negative, and after more than a year of not gaining her gastroenterologist did an endoscopy. Still no signs of celiac. However, a couple of months ago, she had a hydrogen breath test and turns out she has Fructose Malabsorption. It has all the same symptoms as the PI. Since giving up fruit, sugar, most vegetables, flour, and dairy her digestive symptoms has improved greatly. And despite eating so much less than ever, she's put on two pounds. I talked to her doctor about celiac again when my daughter got a rash after eating wheat and he said that "there is no 'never' in medicine". Despite all the testing she's had previously, he will continue to monitor her for celiac every year. (There is genetic testing which can tell you that your daughter doesn't have the markers so she will <i>never</i> get celiac, however, it's expensive and our doctor said it's rarely covered by insurance. And having the markers is not the same as actually having celiac. It only means that at some point, she <i>could</i> have it.)

For my daughter, even her gastroenterologist isn't sure how the fructose malabsorption issues affect her PI. He doesn't think it changes anything, but he admits that he's just not sure what it all means. When you have multiple absorption issues, it's pretty hard to pinpoint what component is doing what. So my daughter will continue taking Creon <i>and</i> following a very strict diet.

(By the way, our other daughter has growth hormone deficiency and she's beeing taking growth hormone injections for several years with no side effects. She's on track to grow to 5'4" -- not WNBA height like she hoped, but way better than the 4'7" she'd have been lucky to reach before medication!)

mom2own -- I'd love to hear about your experiences with FM and lactose intolerance. This diet is maddening -- but as I mentioned above, my daughter is gaining weight for the first time, so it's all good. There is no medicine that can help with this type of malabsorption, and I've also been told that it "shouldn't cause failure to thrive". But it seems that if eating something like an apple causes diarrhea and everything in your system passes right out, wouldn't that mean that you're not getting the nutrients you should? Couldn't that cause failure to thrive?


New member
My daughter was tested for CF when she was 7.5 (two years ago.) Her sweat tests were both in the borderline range, somewhere in the high 40's, low 50's... Then we did the 72 hour fecal fat test and found she has severe pancreatic insufficiency. The Ambry test came back a few weeks later and she has one mutation. We've been trying to figure out where she fits ever since then. She's been diagnosed with atypical CF, but that has gone back and forth for awhile.

My daughter was also adopted -- from Russia. The only thing we know is that the birthmother is blond. Personally, I think knowing her height and weight would be a lot more useful, but hey, I didn't get to write the adoption codes in Moscow... So it leaves us wondering if our daughter is genetically predestined to be 4'8" or if her small size is because of the pancreatic insuffiency or some other unknown reason.

Even after starting on Creon and Prilosec, my daughter continued passing gas, lots of burping, lots of stomach and side pain, sometimes runny poops and sometimes constipation. She also never gained any weight. She's had a couple of blood tests for celiac which were always negative, and after more than a year of not gaining her gastroenterologist did an endoscopy. Still no signs of celiac. However, a couple of months ago, she had a hydrogen breath test and turns out she has Fructose Malabsorption. It has all the same symptoms as the PI. Since giving up fruit, sugar, most vegetables, flour, and dairy her digestive symptoms has improved greatly. And despite eating so much less than ever, she's put on two pounds. I talked to her doctor about celiac again when my daughter got a rash after eating wheat and he said that "there is no 'never' in medicine". Despite all the testing she's had previously, he will continue to monitor her for celiac every year. (There is genetic testing which can tell you that your daughter doesn't have the markers so she will <i>never</i> get celiac, however, it's expensive and our doctor said it's rarely covered by insurance. And having the markers is not the same as actually having celiac. It only means that at some point, she <i>could</i> have it.)

For my daughter, even her gastroenterologist isn't sure how the fructose malabsorption issues affect her PI. He doesn't think it changes anything, but he admits that he's just not sure what it all means. When you have multiple absorption issues, it's pretty hard to pinpoint what component is doing what. So my daughter will continue taking Creon <i>and</i> following a very strict diet.

(By the way, our other daughter has growth hormone deficiency and she's beeing taking growth hormone injections for several years with no side effects. She's on track to grow to 5'4" -- not WNBA height like she hoped, but way better than the 4'7" she'd have been lucky to reach before medication!)

mom2own -- I'd love to hear about your experiences with FM and lactose intolerance. This diet is maddening -- but as I mentioned above, my daughter is gaining weight for the first time, so it's all good. There is no medicine that can help with this type of malabsorption, and I've also been told that it "shouldn't cause failure to thrive". But it seems that if eating something like an apple causes diarrhea and everything in your system passes right out, wouldn't that mean that you're not getting the nutrients you should? Couldn't that cause failure to thrive?


New member
My daughter was tested for CF when she was 7.5 (two years ago.) Her sweat tests were both in the borderline range, somewhere in the high 40's, low 50's... Then we did the 72 hour fecal fat test and found she has severe pancreatic insufficiency. The Ambry test came back a few weeks later and she has one mutation. We've been trying to figure out where she fits ever since then. She's been diagnosed with atypical CF, but that has gone back and forth for awhile.
<br />
<br />My daughter was also adopted -- from Russia. The only thing we know is that the birthmother is blond. Personally, I think knowing her height and weight would be a lot more useful, but hey, I didn't get to write the adoption codes in Moscow... So it leaves us wondering if our daughter is genetically predestined to be 4'8" or if her small size is because of the pancreatic insuffiency or some other unknown reason.
<br />
<br />Even after starting on Creon and Prilosec, my daughter continued passing gas, lots of burping, lots of stomach and side pain, sometimes runny poops and sometimes constipation. She also never gained any weight. She's had a couple of blood tests for celiac which were always negative, and after more than a year of not gaining her gastroenterologist did an endoscopy. Still no signs of celiac. However, a couple of months ago, she had a hydrogen breath test and turns out she has Fructose Malabsorption. It has all the same symptoms as the PI. Since giving up fruit, sugar, most vegetables, flour, and dairy her digestive symptoms has improved greatly. And despite eating so much less than ever, she's put on two pounds. I talked to her doctor about celiac again when my daughter got a rash after eating wheat and he said that "there is no 'never' in medicine". Despite all the testing she's had previously, he will continue to monitor her for celiac every year. (There is genetic testing which can tell you that your daughter doesn't have the markers so she will <i>never</i> get celiac, however, it's expensive and our doctor said it's rarely covered by insurance. And having the markers is not the same as actually having celiac. It only means that at some point, she <i>could</i> have it.)
<br />
<br />For my daughter, even her gastroenterologist isn't sure how the fructose malabsorption issues affect her PI. He doesn't think it changes anything, but he admits that he's just not sure what it all means. When you have multiple absorption issues, it's pretty hard to pinpoint what component is doing what. So my daughter will continue taking Creon <i>and</i> following a very strict diet.
<br />
<br />(By the way, our other daughter has growth hormone deficiency and she's beeing taking growth hormone injections for several years with no side effects. She's on track to grow to 5'4" -- not WNBA height like she hoped, but way better than the 4'7" she'd have been lucky to reach before medication!)
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<br />mom2own -- I'd love to hear about your experiences with FM and lactose intolerance. This diet is maddening -- but as I mentioned above, my daughter is gaining weight for the first time, so it's all good. There is no medicine that can help with this type of malabsorption, and I've also been told that it "shouldn't cause failure to thrive". But it seems that if eating something like an apple causes diarrhea and everything in your system passes right out, wouldn't that mean that you're not getting the nutrients you should? Couldn't that cause failure to thrive?


New member
Wow, sadly, so much in common! Owen was dx'ed FM over a year ago. It helped so much with the diarrhea to take him off high fructose foods, though I am sure you know that does limit diet a lot. He still was having alternating diarrhea and constipation and not growing properly so we tried Creon (I am making this MUCH shorter than it actually was!) and he gained weight so well, he got diagnosed with PI.
Sometimes I think it is a fluke to find out the other issues, like FM. When Owen was a baby, he vomited dairy so severely, he would get dehydrated, that was when they said it was lactose intolerance. Hmmm. Not so much. It was PI. Anyway, he may be LI but that is really the least of his worries.
I totally agree with the FFT with diarrhea. How can they possibly absorb nutrients that flush right through. So, we are in the same boat, we have a restricted diet and we use Creon. But, for six months, Owen wasn't eating any solid foods (he has a g-tube) so we feel so liberated right now that Creon has increased his range so much. He is even eating dairy that is baked into something. We may never try milk, but boy have we made great progress.
Oh, and interestingly, my daughter was adopted! Small world <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> She is Colombian. One thing I have learned to find funny, at least we don't have to gene test her for CF too! I hear you on the lack of health history though. We did learn that her birth mom was 4'9" and birth dad was 5'5". Soooo, she won't be so tall!
Alright, thanks for the info and good luck, I would love to hear any updates from either of you!


New member
Wow, sadly, so much in common! Owen was dx'ed FM over a year ago. It helped so much with the diarrhea to take him off high fructose foods, though I am sure you know that does limit diet a lot. He still was having alternating diarrhea and constipation and not growing properly so we tried Creon (I am making this MUCH shorter than it actually was!) and he gained weight so well, he got diagnosed with PI.
Sometimes I think it is a fluke to find out the other issues, like FM. When Owen was a baby, he vomited dairy so severely, he would get dehydrated, that was when they said it was lactose intolerance. Hmmm. Not so much. It was PI. Anyway, he may be LI but that is really the least of his worries.
I totally agree with the FFT with diarrhea. How can they possibly absorb nutrients that flush right through. So, we are in the same boat, we have a restricted diet and we use Creon. But, for six months, Owen wasn't eating any solid foods (he has a g-tube) so we feel so liberated right now that Creon has increased his range so much. He is even eating dairy that is baked into something. We may never try milk, but boy have we made great progress.
Oh, and interestingly, my daughter was adopted! Small world <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> She is Colombian. One thing I have learned to find funny, at least we don't have to gene test her for CF too! I hear you on the lack of health history though. We did learn that her birth mom was 4'9" and birth dad was 5'5". Soooo, she won't be so tall!
Alright, thanks for the info and good luck, I would love to hear any updates from either of you!


New member
Wow, sadly, so much in common! Owen was dx'ed FM over a year ago. It helped so much with the diarrhea to take him off high fructose foods, though I am sure you know that does limit diet a lot. He still was having alternating diarrhea and constipation and not growing properly so we tried Creon (I am making this MUCH shorter than it actually was!) and he gained weight so well, he got diagnosed with PI.
<br />Sometimes I think it is a fluke to find out the other issues, like FM. When Owen was a baby, he vomited dairy so severely, he would get dehydrated, that was when they said it was lactose intolerance. Hmmm. Not so much. It was PI. Anyway, he may be LI but that is really the least of his worries.
<br />I totally agree with the FFT with diarrhea. How can they possibly absorb nutrients that flush right through. So, we are in the same boat, we have a restricted diet and we use Creon. But, for six months, Owen wasn't eating any solid foods (he has a g-tube) so we feel so liberated right now that Creon has increased his range so much. He is even eating dairy that is baked into something. We may never try milk, but boy have we made great progress.
<br />Oh, and interestingly, my daughter was adopted! Small world <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> She is Colombian. One thing I have learned to find funny, at least we don't have to gene test her for CF too! I hear you on the lack of health history though. We did learn that her birth mom was 4'9" and birth dad was 5'5". Soooo, she won't be so tall!
<br />Alright, thanks for the info and good luck, I would love to hear any updates from either of you!


New member
Our daughter's stomach issues started getting worse the past couple of weeks. She has been crying due to the pain and discomfort. Her gas was worse and her stools have been large (floating as usual). I finally called the GI and requested something to help. They prescribed Creon and her tummy did not hurt last night.

We will have the Ambry test at the end of March so we are just in a holding pattern until we get the test results. Thanks again for your replies.


New member
Our daughter's stomach issues started getting worse the past couple of weeks. She has been crying due to the pain and discomfort. Her gas was worse and her stools have been large (floating as usual). I finally called the GI and requested something to help. They prescribed Creon and her tummy did not hurt last night.

We will have the Ambry test at the end of March so we are just in a holding pattern until we get the test results. Thanks again for your replies.