


I have had back pains, from coughing and a combination of different things. i.e. wearing a heavy back-pack, slouching, wearing shoes without an arch in them (I'm not sure how that contributes to back pain but my doctor said that it sure doesn't help the pain any.) Usually it's an on again off again thing, more off now that I've had the transplant. I've found that my back is still very prone to this type of thing if I'm not careful. I'm not sure if that helps any, but I do know during that 6 months before transplant the pain was horrendous. I found that soaking in a hot bath (w/stress relief stuff found at bath and body...) and getting back rubs from family members helped alot. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Hopes this helps.


New member
Hi Erin,
I get pains from coughing also. Sometimes my back area, my ribs, shoulder area. I have often told friends that it sometimes feels like 2 pieces of tape stuck together and slowly ripping them apart with each breath in.
I also get what my doctors calls plueritic pain in my rib area. Where it hurts for days or weeks at a time from heavy coughing. Tylenol helps a lot with that type of pain.
~Diane 39 cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


New member
I, too have very bad back/rib pain, especially when I've had a cold & done excessive coughing.
I also find, as weird as this sounds, that when I wear jeans or pants that are too tight, my back hurts then too.
A hot bath, like someone mentioned & and also a heating pad (not at the same time-lol) helps some. I hope your pain lessens soon<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah, my back hurts wicked bad whenever I have been coughing alot. I also get really bad pleurisy whenever I am sick or getting sick too. Tylenol doesn't usually help with the pain at all. I find that Motrin helps for the back pain. For the pleurisy I have tried everything from Percocet to Celebrex. Sometimes a heating pad or hotpack helps with the pain.


New member
my back never hurts from coughing, i do have a very bad posture though from always hunching forward when i cough. i feel like i need my body stretched out!! my ribs often hurt though, and my stomach muscles...i think maybe its quite good ab exercises!! i've learnt exercises from the physio though, for my posture, it might help with your back pain. sit on a chair, sit as tall as you can and try to "wrap" your back around the chair. or try pushing your shoulders together at the back. (while pushing your chest out)another thing i do is lay on the floor with my feet on a fit ball lift my back and butt right off the ground and roll the ball in and out towards my butt. it feels really good...dunno if you want to give it a go! hope this makes sense! and i hope it helps <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
my back hurts sometimes but i get more pain in my sides. most of the time my chest kills from coughin so much. so much fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

nicole 22 CF