Ounces per day


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How many ounces a day does everyones Dr reccommend that your baby is supposed to drink a day. Ashton in on 24 cal formula and they want him to drink at least 32 ounces a day.. in the past 2 days he dron 26.5 one day then 26 today and went from 2pm this afternoon until 9:30pm tonight before eating again.. im again just one of those worriers when he gets feeling a little yucky.... he saw the dr today and they said that he sounded great and his cough isnt that bad either so i just wanted to know what everyone else is expected to feed their babies~~



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The drs wanted my son to eat 40 oz (24 cal) per day at 6 months. That was way more than he would ever eat. I would stress about it so much. You can't make them eat more than what they want. I remember counting every cc that went into him and keeping a daily log of how much he ate. Is your son growing well?



New member
I don't think doctors realize what they do to us poor mom's when they say things like "your baby needs at least 32 ounces a day". Don't they know babies will only drink what they want? Period. If we force food, it only gets to be a game and in the long run good feeding habits are not formed. Just take his doctor's advice as advice and let your baby drink what he wants. Stressing about it isn't going to change anything.

I don't think my kids have ever taken in as many calories as the dietican wanted them to and my kids are both above the 50% for weight now. So I stopped counting calories a few years ago. It doesn't change how much they eat, it just ends up driving me crazy.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack 2 both with cf


New member
from 6 months ,minimum of 600ml,21oz. We also keep a daily diary of
what craig eats, meds, etc etc,.We found at first when at the
clinic and the dco would ask us anything about feeding habits,we
would just look blankly at each other, and then guess.We intend to
keep it going for the whole year, keep it for him, for when he is
older and then bill him for his food, only kidding.<br>


New member
I agree that force will only make things more difficult. Damien eats like a champ at 27 cal pregestimil, go Damien, 40 oz/. 24 hours. But still they want more weight , Ok whatever, as long as he likes to eat ill be happy and we are lucky to have a good team.(doc, nurse, nutritionist, socal worker/ case manager. He is 13 pounds at 7 months but being on oxygen and also weening him off it too can burn cals in a little one so I hope as he gets bigger and better as long as he still likes to eat he will move up in weight percintile. enzymes are based on weight and volume thats why they need to know how many ozs hes drinking . I agree with Sharon up there on forcing them and pressuring you. God Bless


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yea he usually eats great but the past couple of days has been crappy!! i think he is getting sick...GREAT!



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Could it be an ear infection -- that was usually the sign that DS was getting one, he'd slow down on his eating. That or he was constipated and needed some MOM (milk of mag).

The dietician made me soooo nervous by constantly telling us how much ds should eat and we couldn't force feed him. He was a horrible eater, never interested in food -- he'd clamp his jaws shut so tight and I'd cry and cry. I'd even stay up late and feed him at 11 and then DH would set the alarm and get up at 2:30 or 3 and try to feed him some more formula. We were under instructions to feed him every 3-4 hours to try to regain weight he'd lost in the NICU. The kid just wasn't HUNGRY!



New member
Hi Christi,
Andrew's Pulmonologist say's he needs 1000 calories a day, and that's what he is getting with the 27 calorie pregestimil continuous feed 20 hours a day via g-tube and he has been gaining continuously since his surgery. He was 14 lbs 2 ozs when released from surgery on March 11th and three weeks later he is 16 lbs 7 ozs, Yeppy!!