pain in the nose


New member
Has anyone had severe pain at the top/side of the nose, radiating above the eye? My 20 year old has had this nearly a week. It responds to Excedrin Migraine, but not to anything else. She is pms and has suffered from hormonal headaches in the past, but this feels different to her. We are concerned that polyps might be creating pressure, as the pain worsens in certain positions. She has an appointment with the cf doctor next week, but is scheduled to fly across the country this weekend--maybe not the best idea.


New member
i have had 5 sinus polyup surgeries, and the pain that you describe could be sinus polyups. However, it could also be a sinus infection. Either way, i would not recomend flying. But if you do choose to fly, atleast call your doctor and ask if she should go on an antibiotic for the sinus infection, etc. Hope i helped, let us know what happens, i hope it turns out well!