Parents with childern with CF and without CF


New member
Ok I have Cf and I'm 1 of six kids ( the middle child) in my family and the only one with CF. I have asked my mother why she had more childern, even knowing I had CF and she has yet to give me an answer. So my Question to you guys is. Knowing that your baby has CF why would you have more at the risk of having another with CF. I know that if my duaghter would have had CF that I wouldn't be trying for more. I know that this sounds like a stupid question but I wanted to know why because my mother won't tell me why. And I'm not asking to get in an argument. May be I'm asking the same question people are asking me. I would I have a baby knowing that he/she would be a carrier or knowing that I'm going to die why would I put my babies threw that? Am I asking my mother to much. Because I don't give people an answer either, because I don't have one. All I know I love my baby so much. My daughter has made me want to live as long as I can and no one has done that to me. Before my daughter I didn't care if I lived or die. It's amazing how one little baby can change all that.

Sarah w/CF and Duaghter w/o


New member
My older brother steve who is 27 has CF and me at 22 I have CF. He was diagnosed at about 6 years old and my mom was already pregnant with me. She said if she had known steve had CF before that she wouldn't have had more children but she said she was glad she didn't know because then she wouldn't have gotten me! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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My Aunt and Uncle have two kids with CF who were both diagnosed at birth. The reason for having the second child was so the first would have someone to go through life with, that understood what he is going through. ALso it's not a 100 percent sure thing that your next child will have CF.


New member
Are you parents Catholic or some other religion where birth control is/was not a popular choice? That could be why. Or possibly your mom was just very fertile and they really didn't "choose" to have more kids--it just happened and they don't want to tell you that either because they don't want the siblings younger than you to feel unwanted.
Why is this important to you? My parents oldest had CF and I (youngest of 5) also have CF and I've never questioned their choice to have 4 more kids after their first one had CF, I guess I feel that they're not accountable to me for their choices. Not sure if this is the right way to word it or not<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


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Do you plan to have a sibling for you daughter to go thru life with?
And if you want to answer, are you married?


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It's such a personal choice and there are so many considerations. She may not feel like she has to justify this issue with you. (I hope that doesn't come across too strong! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">) It's just that she may not have an answer for you.


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no my mom is not Catholic or some other religion where birth control is/was not a popular choice. My mother had her tubes tie after me and than untie 7 years later. Yes I am married. Yes I would like my daughter to have a sibing to go throw life with, but my husband is not a CF carrier, we had him tested, so none of are babies will have CF they will just be CF carriers. Now my X husband ( the father of my daughter) was a CF carrier, but we didn't find out that he was a CF carrier till after I was pregnant, and we were scared to die that she would have CF because with him being a CF carrier we had a 50% chance the are baby would have CF, But we got very lucky and she didn't have CF and so we did decide to not have any more since he was a CF carrier. My husband and I did not start trying for a baby till after we got him tested, that was almost a year ago. So I have been trying to get pregnant for 10 months.

Sarah - w/cf
Gabby - CF carrier
Duane - clean


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i> It's amazing how one little baby can change all that.<hr></blockquote>

You answered your own question. Imagine your life w/o your younger siblings and how they have impacted you and others. There are risks with every child, not just CF.