Partner of a Cyster -- Repeat fungal infections




My girlfriend has CF, and with her constant regimen of antibiotics, she frequently has fungal/yeast infections. I've personally been battling a persistent case of jock itch for nearly 2.5 years, which first showed up around the same time when we started dating. I'm not certain my issues are fungal, and if they are, I'm not certain there's any relation to her fungal issues.

But I'm wondering if any other partners of cysters or fibros have had trouble with recurring fungal infections. And if so, what do you do to prevent/treat the symptoms?


New member
This is common. The strong antibiotics CF'ers take kill both bad and good bacteria. The good bacteria in your body naturally keep fungi at bay. The high doses of antibiotics that we are on lead to high concentrations of that antibiotic in saliva, sweet, etc. So when your girlfriend is on the antibiotics, even inhaled, there is enough active antibiotic on her skin through sweet or in her saliva the when you touch each other it will kill the good bacteria on the surface of your skin. Get my drift?? If not PM me and I can be more specific.

The solution is no horizontal tango while she is on antibiotics and/or prophylactic clotrimazole cream in the affected area. Good luck!


New member
My boyfriend hasn't ever gotten any yeast/fungal infections from me and I've had them off and on for years. We live together, so I would know :)
Does she take probiotics? I take Culturelle all the time & when I'm on IVs I add on femdophilis.
Any slight irritation down there while on antibiotics, I take one fluconazole (anti fungal drug) & then another after a day. My Dr gave me a large prescription of fluconazole since I'm on antibiotics frequently. If it doesn't get better I have to go on clomitrazole and if it still doesn't get better I've had to take something more strong. Garlic supplementa are supposed to help, too.

Sounds like you both need to get a prescription and remedy !