pen friend


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Hi My name is Paula and I have an 11yr old girl called Ashleigh who is looking for someone to chat to about her feelings etc as here in Australia kids with CF are not allowed to mix- we no longer have camps etc due to cross infection. The only time she sees other kids with CF is at clinic visits and hospital admissions. It would be nice for her to have a penpal around her age that she can chat to. So if anyone out there is on this website that is her age would love to hear from you. (I know she is not technically a teenager yet), so I have posted on others sites also


New member
HEY Paula<

My B/f has cf and if he didn't have anyone to talk it would be hard> I have a sister who is 11 and she knows a little about cf from my b/f telling her, maybe they can be pen pals.


New member
im 15 years old and i baby sit this little boy and he was born with cystic fibrosis =( they all told his family that he his family that he would die by the time he was three, well now he is eight and has become really sick and needs a transplant, his family have yold us that he only has another five years at the most if the medication he is on keeps working. i am worried and i dont want to loose him. i just need some one to talk to because he is like my little brother and i dont want to loose him.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">Paula i am 17 years old and do nothave CF, but ihad a friend that hadit. She was a great inspiration in my life and i am also looking for a friend thatwould share their experiences with me about CF and i will try to be as encourageing as possible for you.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> My e-mail adress is sann181986@hotmail feel free to write me back


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">Paula i am 17 years old and do nothave CF, but ihad a friend that hadit. She was a great inspiration in my life and i am also looking for a friend thatwould share their experiences with me about CF and i will try to be as encourageing as possible for you.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> My e-mail adress is sann181986@hotmail feel free to write me back


New member
oh my gosh you do did you go to the docter about it what did they say
are you alright are you going to die well i'm going to pray for you alright
i got to go by bye


New member
oh my gosh you do did you go to the docter about it what did they say
are you alright are you going to die well i'm going to pray for you alright
i got to go by bye


New member
Hi my name is Paul G Mazzola I'm looking for some one to chat with I'm a very nice person okay?
I live alone and I would like to be your friend okay?
I'm 5.6 and I have brown hair and brown eye's and I work out 3 time's a weel so I can keep fit.
I all so live in Scituate mass and would like to have more friend's in my life.
I don't drink any thing that is bad for me and I don't smock and I would like still be happy with people that I meet on line so time's people are not that nice they tel me what to do so I do it and that just blow me off like I was trash.
I don't like that I'm alone and would like a girlfriend see I'm going to have a brithday very soon on 10/11/68 and I'm going to be 37 year's old I know that it is old but I still wish to get to know some one my age okay?
I have been longing for a girlfriend for a long time and I just hope she is very beautiful and very smart so I can chat with her.
My E-mail is at okay?
I hope that I can here from some one that is about my age that would like to have a friendship with me.
Thank you for your time from Paul G Mazzola.