We have a physical therapist who comes to our house 5x a week for chest PT. When the boys were young we did it ourselves, but it just added to the many tasks we already had in our busy day. Then we got the vest, but Josh found it uncomfortable and Jesse outright hated it. After their first cleanout, the doctors asked if there was anything we needed for home care and I asked for a therapist. We've had her 5 years now. She's great- like one of the family! She comes at 5:30 every day so it gives me a break to make dinner or check the forum. A lifesaver for sure!
Last time the boys were in the hospital, I aksed if we could also get an update for our vest. (we had the huge heavy one). It would be helpful when the boys are sick or if the PT can't come. They're still working it out with our insurance company, but it looks good!
We've never tried the flutter or any other device.