Perfume, Fragrants & CF??


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Hello ~

I have an 11 mo old with cf and i am curious to see if any fragrants, etc. may bother her? I love to wear perfume but am afraid to for fear it will bother her? I also put a wallflower room freshener (by bath and body works, co.) in her room by her diaper pail -It is a lilac smell and really makes her room smell good! I know this may seem trivial but i have always wondered what she might feel or if i should worry about fragrants, etc. ??

Thanks for any insight!

Mom to Brinly w/cf and Birgess w/o cf


New member
Hi, I don't have CF but I do have asthma and I know that some really strong sents bother me but not all of them.


One thing that I noticed with scents, usually most don't bother me, but the product lysol... just irritated the heck out of my lungs. Each time that stuff was used I would have a coughing fit. I know a lot of people use it for smelly air, but I've found that febreeze works just as well if not better than lysol. That's just me personally, not sure if other CFers have had problems with lysol.


New member
Our CF Dr. told us no artificial scents. My husband is adamant about this for our CFer as he is very scent sensitive himself. My CFer doesn't seem to be that senitive but it gives my husband an excuse <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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I think it would be very individual, especially if the individual has allergies and/or athsma on top of the CF. I know my husband wears cologne, I wear parfume and when I vacuum the house I use carpet deoderizer (we have 2 dogs and 2 cats-a real zoo). we also have a simmering pot of cinnamon in the winter months, something fruity in the summer, and bathroom deoderizer-none of which seem to bother him. But then pull out some cleaning products, especially lysol as mentioned above and he goes into a coughing fit.
I would say if your little one is pulling away when you wear parfumes/colognes and gets a runny nose, runny eyes or seems congested if you add some new sents, that might be an indication that they are sensitive. I think it may just be a trial and error thing though.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


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My brother (24 w/cf) is very sensitive to smells, but I'm not at all, I even worked in a bath and body store for almost 2 years. Its a very individual thing. If you notice her having a hard time breathing around smelly stuff then get rid of it.


New member
Usually what bothers me is the CHEMICALS in most perfumes, colognes ect, rather than the actual scent. But I tolerate some things better than others.

I wear essential oils, (not perfume oil) they are not syntheitc. You can mix a few and come up with scents you like. I wear lavender and patchoulli. But I just bought some lemongrass and orange for summer.
24 w/ CF


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Usually strong scents bother me. I can wear perfume but not strong ones. I can even wear scented lotions as long as its light. Chemicals bother me....such as cleaning products, especially bleach.

Like Julie said its individual. Since yu have a baby I would wear things lightly and sparingly. Dont use bleach, or lysol things like that around her. Babies in general seem to be sensitive to chemical type sents. See what seems to bother her as you go.


New member
Hey Debbie, just wanted to say that while wearing essential oils is a great alternative to perfume, make sure it is safe to put directly on your skin. Most essential oils (especially citrus) are so powerful that they can burn you if you wear it undiluted. You should mix it with an unscented carrier oil (they are usually grapeseed oil). You can do about 5 to 10 drops of essential oil per table spoon of carrier oil. The scent should still be pretty strong but diluted enough not to damage your skin. Lavender is the only one I know of that is ok to wear undiluted, its great for summer too because mosquitoes hate it!

And just so you know where I'm getting this from, we sold essential oils at the bath and body store I worked at.


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Frog Princess,
I've been using EO's for years, but that was a good idea to mention carrier oils.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
24 w/ CF


New member
Thank You for your repies!

I tried wearing perfume for a day and she had no cough but a runny nose!! I will check into EO's for a soft spring smell!! So far the wallflower seems fine - no cough,etc.

What about paint fumes? Or dust? I want to paint her room but again scared!!
Thanks again,

mom to Brinly w/cf Birgess w/o cf


New member
Paint can be a little bit more difficult. I don't have CF, allergies or athsma and it really bothers me-and a lot of others I know. If you do paint her room, which is going to be necessary at sometime in her life, I would recommend you keep her in a different room for a few days while it dries completely and keep the door closed as much as possible. I would also double check this one with your childs CF doctor though.

take care,



New member
The thing to remember about fumes, scents, ect. is that they trigger ACUTE reactions like coughing, asthma attack, dizziness, ect. They are not going to make a CFer "sicker" or increase the chance of infection, or anything like that. Just use common sense.
24 w/ CF