

New member
I have a question to all the women out there. I am 20 years old and I do not get regular periods. My doctors have never asked about my periods and they actually have never even asked if I started getting periods ever! I have gone through a childrens and an adult clinic and neither of them have ever asked about it. I am worried about the irregular periods because I have heard that if you aren't producing enough estrogen to have a regular period you are more likely to develop osteoperosis. Have any of you guys had this problem and what did you do about it? Also have you heard anything about the osteoperosis and no periods and what does your doc say? I am going to my clinic in a few months and will ask then, but I just want to hear from some of you. Oh and although I am thin I am heavier than my sister (NO CF) and she gets regular periods so I don't think it is the weight issue...but then again I have no idea...Thanks for any advice!


New member
I have a question to all the women out there. I am 20 years old and I do not get regular periods. My doctors have never asked about my periods and they actually have never even asked if I started getting periods ever! I have gone through a childrens and an adult clinic and neither of them have ever asked about it. I am worried about the irregular periods because I have heard that if you aren't producing enough estrogen to have a regular period you are more likely to develop osteoperosis. Have any of you guys had this problem and what did you do about it? Also have you heard anything about the osteoperosis and no periods and what does your doc say? I am going to my clinic in a few months and will ask then, but I just want to hear from some of you. Oh and although I am thin I am heavier than my sister (NO CF) and she gets regular periods so I don't think it is the weight issue...but then again I have no idea...Thanks for any advice!


New member
Just checked with a doc pal of mine and a fellow nurse. None of us have heard of a correlation between irregular periods and osteoporosis. However, it would not be unusual for a person with inadequate nutrition to have irregular periods.


New member
Just checked with a doc pal of mine and a fellow nurse. None of us have heard of a correlation between irregular periods and osteoporosis. However, it would not be unusual for a person with inadequate nutrition to have irregular periods.


New member
i've gotten my period later than expected [14 and 9 months, fully developed, while my mother got it at almost 13] and it has always been irregular. when i was 15 and a half, it even stopped for six months with no visible reason, then came back. i consulted my cf doctor and a gynecologist, and they said it's fine. some women are never regular.


New member
i've gotten my period later than expected [14 and 9 months, fully developed, while my mother got it at almost 13] and it has always been irregular. when i was 15 and a half, it even stopped for six months with no visible reason, then came back. i consulted my cf doctor and a gynecologist, and they said it's fine. some women are never regular.


New member
Hi, there! My name is Stephanie. I am 27 and have CF and CFRD, among other things! When I first started getting my period (at age 16) I was very, very irregular. But I believe mine had to do more with the fact that I had diabetes and for a while did not even know it. One of the symptoms of diabetes (and high blood sugar) is weight loss & poor nutrition, and that is why I think it was delayed for me. Now my periods are very regular, although I do skip a month here & there. One thing my gyno told me is that it is very important to bleed every month (even if only a little) because blood that stays in the uterus can grow bacteria & cause infection. If your CF clinic isn't giving you any info on your periods, you should find a good gynocologist who knows a little something about CF. They would better understand your period cycle, anyhow, and it would probably be better to see a gyno for that, instead of getting info from your CF dr. Just my opinion.Good luck!Stephanie


New member
Hi, there! My name is Stephanie. I am 27 and have CF and CFRD, among other things! When I first started getting my period (at age 16) I was very, very irregular. But I believe mine had to do more with the fact that I had diabetes and for a while did not even know it. One of the symptoms of diabetes (and high blood sugar) is weight loss & poor nutrition, and that is why I think it was delayed for me. Now my periods are very regular, although I do skip a month here & there. One thing my gyno told me is that it is very important to bleed every month (even if only a little) because blood that stays in the uterus can grow bacteria & cause infection. If your CF clinic isn't giving you any info on your periods, you should find a good gynocologist who knows a little something about CF. They would better understand your period cycle, anyhow, and it would probably be better to see a gyno for that, instead of getting info from your CF dr. Just my opinion.Good luck!Stephanie