
New member
I know its probably been done a hundred times but I'm bored in hospital so thought I'd start a new post to keep me busy...

What are everyone's PFTs? Just wondering how I compare to others my age/younger/older.

I'm 19 - and at the moment my FEV1 is 52%. But I'm now in hospital for IV's so hoping that may improve in a week or so....

Take care,


19 fwcf<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
FEV1 70%-FVC 80% - on a good day- FEV1 63%- FVC 75% on the bad ones when I go IV's. My lowest was 55% last year...3 weeks of IV's, hard work and a dash of Jesus and I was up 73% in a month(my highest in years.) I will go on IV's in a week or so again 'cause I feel crappy, I haven't did PFT's yet, I will wait 'til they make me!

Luke 29/cf


New member
Right now I believe mine are 30%, I went down to 18% but they are back up now. When I was really well they were in the 80's.

Nicole 22 CF


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FVC is forced Vital Capacity, the amount of air you can get in, FEV1 is the amount of air you can get out in one second. FVC tells restrictive disease, FEV1 tells obstructive disease. Ours is an obstructive disease with a restrictive component.

Luke 29/cf


New member
Thank you Luke. Do we know if there's a special term for the calculation of the small airways? Or do they just list it as "small airways" ?


New member
age = 30

sex = female

fev1 = 120%(still going up)

FVC = 99% (still working at getting that magic 100)

ok ppl take a deep breath, I'm sure I almost gave you all a heart attack, LOL.... I am post tx, but thought I would still post em cause I am pretty damn proud of them

pre tx, they were less the 10% which was taken 3 months before I had my tx, I stopped taking them, because it took to much out of me and the numbers never went up anyway, so it wasnt worth knocking myself out doing lung function when I had no air to blow.....

~Tracy~ 2year post dl tx


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I don't know any numbers off the top of my head except for my FEV1 and my small airways. My FEV1 is usually around 70%. And my small airways are 35-40%.


Hello my daughter's PFT's are normally 108% right now she is getting over a battle with pneumonia and her lung function was at 78% 3 weeks ago, since then she has brought them back up to 100% and is still trying to get them back to 108%, she is almost 9 years old, a very active 9 year old and usually pretty healthy. she is being treated with TOBI, CIPRO and Bactrim.



New member
I"m post tx but mine are:
FVC 95% (34% pre Tx)
FEV1 102% (26% pre Tx)
FEV 25-75 134% (11% pre TX)

Isn't it amazing. 3 Months ago I could barely even walk without oxygen! Now i'm biking, walking, and even out enjoying Mardi Gras parades since I'm still stuck in New Orleans. What a recovery! It is truly a miracle and I am enjoying everday!!!!!

Post Double lung transplant 11/11/04


New member

Actually, it is the FEF(forced expiratoy flow) 25-75, moot point I know. What they do is they take the first 25% and the last 25% and throw it out. That leaves you with mid-low airways. machines actually break it down further but docs rarley focus on it. PFT's are amazingly easy to read, considering some doc charge $40 to read them. It takes about 5 seconds to read one and I could teach anyone how to read them in about 5 minutes.

Luke 29/cf a registered respiratory therapist who no longer practices


New member
Wow Margaret those lung functions are brilliant, its really encouraging to read!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I am so impressed with how well the post transplant PFTs are!! Good work! Its so wonderful to see you guys are doing so well.
Im going to clinic on tuesday and I will do PFTs then so I will post later to give my #.