
New member
My question is regarding Pft's. My son is 7 and recently went in for PFT's. His FEV1 was 69%. This was the first time that they felt he was able to do them well. Since we have nothing to compare them to, how do I know how accurate they are. The doctor started him on oral antibiotics and got a chest x ray. The x ray showed pneumonia, but was not sympotmatic at this time. 5 days later he spiked a temp and was complaining of chest pain, back pain and not eating well. They admitted him for IV's. His sputum culture came back positive for pseudomonas for the first time. He stayed in for 8 days and is now at home on home iv's with a picc line. His repeat xray and pft's were exactly the same. How soon do you normally see an increase in pft's? What is normal?

Lisa, mother of 7yo triplets all w/cf


New member
My daughter is 9 years old and has had pneumonia 4 times. Her baseline PFT's are 114%, The last time she had pneumonia her PFT's dropped into the 70's, which was a little over a year ago, she also culteres psuedomonas, her PFT's are back up to 113%. If i remember correctly it took her a few months to get her PFT's back up. We also did her vest 4 times daily and albuterol every 4 hours and advair 2 times daily and her pulmozyme before bedtime.

I hope that your child bounces back real soon, take care

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">