Phone survey? for $75 paycheck?


New member
I got an email about participating in a phone survey and was just checking to see if anyone else got this before I decided to respond to it (because I checked the yes button about being contacted about other cf surveys).



New member
I got an email about participating in a phone survey and was just checking to see if anyone else got this before I decided to respond to it (because I checked the yes button about being contacted about other cf surveys).



New member
I got an email about participating in a phone survey and was just checking to see if anyone else got this before I decided to respond to it (because I checked the yes button about being contacted about other cf surveys).



New member
I got an email about participating in a phone survey and was just checking to see if anyone else got this before I decided to respond to it (because I checked the yes button about being contacted about other cf surveys).



New member
I got an email about participating in a phone survey and was just checking to see if anyone else got this before I decided to respond to it (because I checked the yes button about being contacted about other cf surveys).



I didn't bother with the $50 survey, cause if I did get the $50, it would probably be in the form of a check, which would cost me $30 to cash, only leaving me with $20 (giving the bank the higher percentage), so I don't see it as "economical" for me.
$75 would only bring me $45, which isn't bad, only cause the bank doesn't take the larger percentage, anymore...sorry I couldn't help you there.


I didn't bother with the $50 survey, cause if I did get the $50, it would probably be in the form of a check, which would cost me $30 to cash, only leaving me with $20 (giving the bank the higher percentage), so I don't see it as "economical" for me.
$75 would only bring me $45, which isn't bad, only cause the bank doesn't take the larger percentage, anymore...sorry I couldn't help you there.


I didn't bother with the $50 survey, cause if I did get the $50, it would probably be in the form of a check, which would cost me $30 to cash, only leaving me with $20 (giving the bank the higher percentage), so I don't see it as "economical" for me.
$75 would only bring me $45, which isn't bad, only cause the bank doesn't take the larger percentage, anymore...sorry I couldn't help you there.


I didn't bother with the $50 survey, cause if I did get the $50, it would probably be in the form of a check, which would cost me $30 to cash, only leaving me with $20 (giving the bank the higher percentage), so I don't see it as "economical" for me.
$75 would only bring me $45, which isn't bad, only cause the bank doesn't take the larger percentage, anymore...sorry I couldn't help you there.


I didn't bother with the $50 survey, cause if I did get the $50, it would probably be in the form of a check, which would cost me $30 to cash, only leaving me with $20 (giving the bank the higher percentage), so I don't see it as "economical" for me.
$75 would only bring me $45, which isn't bad, only cause the bank doesn't take the larger percentage, anymore...sorry I couldn't help you there.