PICC Line Pulled Now Skin Burns


Yesterday I had my 3 month long PICC line pulled. Tonight my arm stings. It feels like it is burned. I have small pimples where the bandage had been and where the statlock was the skin looks like leather. I have gently washed the arm off with warm (not hot) water. When I touch the arm with my clothes or my hand, it burns and stings. It also itches super bad at times... where the pimple are. I haven't taken off the tiny bandage off the site... it is still scabbing over (I did change it this afternoon).

There is no redness or swelling. The PICC bandage actually ate part of my skin off in spots. That part hurts the worst.

The skin on my arm looks like it was mangled over the 3 months.

Is this normal??? Should I call the doc??


New member
Last year I has a similar situation from a picc with the small pimples where the tagaderm was that also burned and itched like crazy. Dr's office figured it was some type of yeast rash and suggested to keep it dry and open so the skin can breath. Went away in about a week. If it's really itchy and painful I would call the doc so maybe they can prescribe something to help with that.


New member
I had the same thing happen. I actually began developing open sores underneath the bandage that would appear to heal and then would be re-opened each week when the changed the bandaging. Near the end the pain was really extreme and I thought my actual picc line was infected. Once the bandages/picc was removed, I realized it was the skin underneath the bandaging that was the culprit and experienced the same burning especially if anything came into contact with that area. In the hospital they gave Neosporin to help with the healing.